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Net Worth Update – Up 6.91%


November was a great month for our Net Worth. With fully funding our emergency fund and paying off half of our credit card debt, this month ended up being our biggest net worth increase in some time.

Right now it stands at negative $36,384.

If you take a look at my NetWorth IQ profile, you’ll notice that it looks like my student loan balance increased. It didn’t increase – I found an error with how I previously entered my student loan payment. I switched the interest paid and the amount paid to the principal balance. So, it will be another month before we get those loans under $30,000.

Overall, though, I am very pleased. As long as our net worth keeps increasing, that means that we are spending less than we earn.

A new debt total is coming up the next chance I get. Thanks again to those helping out with guest posts while I’m a little swamped with life!


  • Reply SingleGuyMoney |

    Considering the market performance in November, 6.92% is huge. I didn’t manage to make it over 1%.

  • Reply Tammy |

    I happened upon your blog from networth IQ and I am quite enjoying (and learning) from you. Thank you very much!

    Congratulations on getting your debt lower and your networth higher this past month.

  • Reply Law Student |

    Congrats! Your progress is fantastic, but have you considered checking the value of your car soon? It’s been at $5000 for some time — is it depreciating? Even so, my father always says about cars that they’re worth more to you than you’d ever get selling them!

  • Reply Tricia |

    Hi Law Student – good point about the car. When I first signed up for Net Worth IQ, I checked my car’s value on kbb.com and rounded down to the nearest thousand for the private party value on my car. I used that for my net worth. I’ve been checking on the value as I think of it, but I haven’t within the last few months. Checking today still puts my car over $5,000 for the private party value.

    One thing that ended up working out well for us is that we purchased a car with super gas mileage (over 30mpg – for highway it’s closer to 40). My guess is that it has held its value so well because of the high gas prices.

  • Reply Simon Maders |

    Is there a calculator somewhere that you can fill in all your details to detemine your net worth

So, what do you think ?