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It’s Not Thanksgiving Unless the Fan Ends Up in the Window Sucking Smoke out of the House


This year we had high hopes for a smoke-free Thanksgiving. Things were going well. The turkey was cooking fine and the fixings were getting ready to be cooked next. Then, it happened.

The turkey was done, so I took it out of the oven. My wrist gave a little and I spilled turkey juice all over the oven.

We were sooooooo close!!!

Smoke quickly filled the kitchen, and as we have done many times before we placed a fan in the window to suck the smoke out of the house. I have to chuckle about this because we thought this holiday would be different. It is the first turkey we’ve cooked with our new stove that we bought in March. We did have one minor victory…the smoke detector didn’t go off this year LOL πŸ™‚

After dinner, we took a nice nap and gave the oven some time to cool off. Upon awaking, I cleaned out the oven the best I could and right now our apple pie is cooking. I still smell the smell of something burning, instead of the smell of a sweet apple pie cooking. But that’s okay. Thanksgiving isn’t just about the food.

There are many things that I am thankful for. Our family, our pets, our home, our jobs, our health. And, of course I am thankful for you…my readers. You all have done so much to help keep me going with the debt reduction. I simply cannot thank you enough for all of the support.

I think our pie is just about done, so I better go and enjoy some pie. I hope everyone is having a nice Thanksgiving.


  • Reply Super Saver |

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    Just avoid those turkey fryers:-) Seems they tend to cause fires, even among experienced users.

  • Reply Sheri |

    I had a minor mishap myself. I was trying to transfer the graham cracker crust for my pumpkin cheese cake pie to another pie plate when it crumbled to pieces! I had to go to the store and buy another one as the crumbled one was beyond repair. The pie was served in the tin pan! Not very decorative but tasted fine.

  • Reply Jen |

    This all reminds of two stories. The first was from the Julia childs TV show. She was doing an episode on the Thanksgiving meal, and during filiming she dropped the turkey while taking it out of the oven. Julia put the turkey back in the roasting pan, and then turned to the camera and said, “Your guests will never know.”

    The second is from an NPR show several years ago about Thanksgiving meal tips. One tip was never tell your guests what is on the menu. The example the person used was a blueberry pie. While taking it out of the oven if you drop it, it can then become blueberry cobbler… but that works best if your guests never knew blueberry pie was on the menu πŸ˜‰

    Anyway, glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  • Reply Tricia |

    Sheri – I guess these mishaps make the dinner more exciting, right ? LOL.

    Jen – I wish I saw that Julia childs show. That would have been great. That menu tip is a good one too! πŸ˜‰

  • Reply Mandi |

    My mishap is intentional, but derived from an accident. The first time I even made a turkey I put it in upside down. It ended up being the most juicy tender breasted turkey we’d ever had. So I roast mine upside down on purpose now.

    My MIL has a Nesco 18 Quart Roaster Oven. We put an 18-20 pound turkey in at 9:00am and it normally is finished by 12:00pm. It leaves the oven open for other baking all day. As for the initial cost, I really don’t know, but we do use it about twice a month and we are also able to bake it in.

    One year we had hot dogs for my sons birthday party, I just put the hot dogs in water in the Roaster and the rest was history.

So, what do you think ?