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Book Review: The Maui Millionaires


I was asked by a marketing company if I would be interested in reading and reviewing The Maui Millionaires (affiliate link). The book definitely sounded interesting, so they sent me a copy.

Even before I was through the Introduction, I was started to compare the book to those infomercials you see on late night TV. I’m sure you’ve seen them…the ones where you can make money without really doing anything. Well, I can’t say those programs do not work because I’ve never personally tried any of them. But I tend to go by the golden rule that if something sounds to good to be true, it probably isn’t. After all, the writers of the book are holding Maui Millionaire retreats that cost one person $30,000 to attend!

But as I got into the book, I could see that this was a little different from those informercials. A common theme in the entire book is that wealthy people have a different way of thinking about wealth. That, in turn, makes it easy for them to build wealth and enjoy it. That makes sense to me. This book isn’t about getting rich quick – it’s about working on yourself to help you achieve wealth.

Because of that theme, the book is centered around helping you think about wealth differently. The book is filled with worksheets and exercises to help you along. Even though I can say with a great degree of certainty that I will not be attending one of their retreats any time soon, the book gives a taste of what they experience. Of course, if you were at the retreat there would be others there helping you go through the exercises. With the book you have to do them alone.

Those following my blog for a while know that I reviewed the Millionaire Next Door. I grappled with the fact that I could not say that I want to be a millionaire. I still can’t say that phrase because I just want to be comfortable with my life. Maui Millionaires actually has a section that deals with the stigmas of having money. In fact, they have a list of the 12 Most Damaging Negative Wealth Beliefs. I found them quite interesting and I’ll be discussing them tomorrow and how they relate to my life.

Will reading this book make you a millionaire quickly? I don’t think so. Will the book help you think more like a millionaire? Possibly. Are there things of value in the book? I think so.

Overall, I’m glad I read the book because it forced me to think about my beliefs about wealth. That is something that I am continually working on because I do think my beliefs are holding me back. I also think some of the stories they highlighted are inspiring. But, the biggest negative of this book is the contant reminder about their retreat and the advertising for their website. It was a llittle much for me and if I wasn’t trying to review this book for everyone here…I might not have finished it.

If you can get past the advertising, I do believe there is information here that can be helpful. Is it worth the $24.95 for the book? That depends on the individual. But, being the money-saver that I am, I probably would have bought the book used or went to my local library 😉


  • Reply Matt |

    Sounds similar to T. Harv Eker’s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind; it took me a while to get my brain around the fact that he was pitching his seminars all the time. The underlying information though was very useful. I guess I’ll have to add the Maui Millionaires to my list of books to read.

So, what do you think ?