by Tricia
It’s my turn to host the Carnival of Debt reduction next week. Bloggers – please get your articles to me as soon as you can because I’m trying to do something special. I hope it works!
It is very important that all articles submitted are about reducing debt. If they aren’t, they will not be included.
Directly from the home of the Carnival of Debt Reduction:
“The Carnival of Debt Reduction is a weekly blog carnival that highlights posts on getting out of debt. Personal debt reduction progress reports and posts about reducing debt are what this carnival is all about!”
If you have an article about online bank accounts, I will not include it. That’s an article fitting for the Carnival of Personal Finance.
If you have an article about saving money or reducing your spending, I will not include it. That’s an article fitting for the Festival of Frugality.
I want next week’s Carnival of Debt Reduction to be a great collection of personal, debt reduction related stories that all of us can enjoy 🙂
To submit an article, please visit Blog Carnival.
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