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Want to Declare Your Debt Online?


For me, writing this blog has been so freeing. My debt no longer feels like the big secret that it once was and I feel like some weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It sounds like some of you would like to give it a try as well.

If you are interested in starting your own blog, you can read my post, In Debt and Want to Start a Blog? Here’s How. That should get you started blogging. If you use a free blog site like blogger, you can have your own blog in a few minutes and it is fairly early to learn to use the program to write.

For those of you that do not wish to start a blog, but would like to declare your debt on the internet, you can always email me your story and I will post it on here. But, you must tell me in your email that you want me to post it. Otherwise, I will keep our email private.


  • Reply CC |

    It’s as if you read my mind! I just started reading personal finance blogs a couple months ago, and sites like yours have been a seemingly endless source of inspiration! So, yesterday, I started my own. It’s called Checkbook Confessional. Sure, it’s only got a couple of posts so far, but I’ve already linked back to Blogging Away Debt!

  • Reply Tosca |

    Of all the blogs mentioned in the NYTimes article, yours is the one I’ll keep reading. Thanks for being transparent, educational, and inspiring. You WILL pay this off. Three years ago, I had over $16,000 in credit card debt; today I have $2,000. My goal is to pay it off by April 15. I can’t wait!!! 🙂

  • Reply Tricia |

    CC – That’s great! And I love the blog name!

    Tosca – thank you for your kind words and your vote of confidence. It is so inspiring that you are doing so well with paying off your debt! You are almost there, that’s great! 🙂

So, what do you think ?