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Like Mother, Like Son


Usually the saying goes, “Like father, like son.” But my little guy is turning out to be just like his momma when it comes to being frugal.

Last summer, I was tickled pink when there was a couch on the side of the road with a free sign. We needed a couch so my son and I picked up the couch and brought it home.

While we were out driving this weekend, I saw a couch on the side of the road.

“Oooh, a couch,” I proclaimed.

“Does it have a free sign on it?” my son asked. Then he said in a matter of fact way, “If it’s free that means it doesn’t cost any money.”

My husband and I couldn’t help but bust out laughing.

There’s no doubt he’s my son 🙂

One Comment

  • Reply Debra |

    My son gets an allowance every week and part of the deal is that a set amount has to go into his savings account. This money can not be touched and he knows this. He has a passbook and does his own banking by handing it to the teller and telling her that he wants to deposit it. Any money he gets as a gift is his to spend and the part of his allowance he doesn’t have to bank is his to spend. Last week he had a check from Grandma for his birthday – money he can spend. He chose to put it in the bank!!! I was so proud of him. Like mother like son!

So, what do you think ?