by Tricia
No, I didn’t happen to win at Blingo and I didn’t win the lottery, but I think the prize I won will end up being more valuable than a wad of cash in my hand or an LCD TV in my living room.
The contest was straight forward. You had to to write down one thing that you wished for and why (up to $25) and had to name your favorite post at that blog. So, what did I wish for? Here’s the comment I left:
“I wish for the Money Savvy Piggy Bank for my son (
The best actions I am taking to ensure a better financial future for our family are paying off our debt aggressively and learning how to live a balanced life of spending less than we earn.
Since the Money Savvy Pig is for my son, I would like to work with him with it so he can learn the value of saving and investing at an early age (he’s 5). So far, I’ve read nothing but positive results about this piggy bank.
My favorite post is probably no surprise to anyone: “How I Killed My Debt and What I Learned From It”“
True to his word, the blogger offered to purchase the Money Savvy Piggy Bank and ship it to me, or he could send $25 to my PayPal account to cover it. I chose to have the money sent via PayPal and I finalized the order tonight. I ended up purchasing it through Toys R Us because the shipping was a little bit cheaper than through the company that makes the piggy banks. As a bonus, I was able to sign up for Google checkout and get $10 off my order.
It’s only fitting that the money left over (almost $15.00) will be the seed money for my son’s piggy bank. When the piggy bank comes in the mail, I will explain to him what each chamber is for and hopefully it will spark his interest in saving money.
Thank you Golbguru from Money, Matter and More Musings for the contest!
People asked for gift cards, magazine subscriptions, books….but no one asked for a piggy bank ! deserved it. 
Btw, I like the pig myself. It’s different than the conventional ones. I am sure your son will like it too.
Congratulations! Yes, it is never too early to teach our kids to save money. Just wish I could do it.
Good work! That is a great pig — I hope you’ll enjoy it.
If you wanna win very nice stuff and, at the same time, do something really good for the planet, you should participate to the DINO CONTEST ( ).
Good luck !