:::: MENU ::::

Where Did They Go?


I’ve been blogging over three years now. In that time, I have watched many personal finance bloggers come and go. It’s hard, especially when you are really into their story or maybe you just love their style (the Bizarros come to mind – they always cracked me up!).

Sometimes a blog is just abandoned with no new posts. Sometimes a blog is taken offline. Sometimes there is an explanation. Sometimes there is none.

In any case, it’s hard to see them go.

Family Man at Another Day of Life recently decided to stop blogging. His blog is still online, but he wrote a post about what happened…

I am not walking away, just stepping away. Not saying good bye, but also not promising a daily post, or X number of posts each week. For now I need to lay the groundwork for Another Day of Life, my life, my family’s life and build tomorrow for all of us.

I think Family Man is right on the button with thinking that time is a big factor as to why some bloggers have stopped blogging. Then there are bloggers that are forced to shut their blog down (like what happened to JW at Need to Be Debt Free). Whatever the reason, it is sad to see them go and you wonder how they are doing.

The great thing about the blogosphere is that there are so many views…so many people writing about their thoughts and life. I have found so many useful tidbits of information from other bloggers. I have also found inspiration or was led to an “ah-ha!” moment, like this one from Basil Bizarro the day he and Bianca signed off from their blog…

The one thing from this amazing experience that resonated with me deepest is this: gratitude. Look within your lives, because everything you need is right there. And for the most part, free.

I love finance books and I have read some great ones about debt reduction. But bloggers have that personal connection that isn’t normally found in books. I think that’s why I’ve found it so hard when the blogs I used to follow shut down or go on hiatus. At the same time, I understand.

Thanks to the reader who sent me an email about Family Man’s post!


  • Reply Mr Plasectomy |

    Ok, Ok, who is JW, where did they go and what happened at Need To Be Debt Free?

  • Reply Tricia |

    Mr Plasectomy – JW was the Michigan blogger at the Need to Be Debt Free blog. He and his family are fine, but some events led to him having to pull the plug on his blog.

  • Reply Theresa |

    I have also wondered about JW. I loved his blog! And felt a bit of connection with him and his wife as I am from Michigan too, and also have experienced many of the same struggles as his family.

    Is there a way to get in touch with him, or has he started a new blog anywhere?

  • Reply Tricia |

    Hi Theresa – no new blog that I know of yet. But I did find a comment JW left at another blog that gives some details:


  • Reply Family Man |

    Hi Tricia!
    Thanks for the mention in this post. I was actually touched that someone took the time to email you about my blog. I can tell you it was VERY hard to step away from blogging as often as I have been. And I am looking forward to blogging more often when I am able to turn the corner I am working through right now. But I do continue to visit, and will be sad to see you go, but am looking forward to Bek’s journey.


  • Reply Jennifer |

    Funny that I found this post of yours today – as I was just thinking about bloggers that I miss, including JW. Thanks!

  • Reply Penny |


    I am new to the blogosphere — have only been here about a month, but was happy to find your site as my husband and I are trying to do the same thing — slog our way out of debt. But, also to blog our way out, sort of as a written chronicle. It seems so insurmountalbe now, but I’m hoping I can look back at my early posts with a sense of accomplishment. I hope you’ll visit my page, if only to check out the Needs v. Wants entry. Thanks for giving me hope.

So, what do you think ?