by Beks
It seems like the hip thing to do is blame all your personal shortcomings on your mother. She’s the one who raised you, spent the most time with you, and set the foundation for who you would one day become. Since I’m such a trendy gal, here’s to you mom…
I blame you for my confidence. When I wasn’t sure if I could do something difficult, you were there to remind me I could.
I blame you for my happy childhood. My favorite memories are of sitting on the couch listening to you read to me.
I blame you for creating some of my best unforgettable experiences. You made sure I went to Ireland to visit my sister when we both know you wanted to go just as badly. It was my most memorable trip and I can never thank you enough for giving me that chance.
I blame you for a great education. You spent 11 years teaching me at home even though some of the family told you it was a bad idea. Thanks to your dedication, university was a cake walk – and I’m only partially socially awkward *wink*.
I blame you for my health. You never let soda or sugar in the house and abhorred white bread. Sure I sneak in a pint of Ben and Jerry’s now and then, but for the most part, I stick to what you showed me.
I blame you for my irresistibly good looks. OK, OK, I had to throw that in. You and grandma are gorgeous ladies with fabulous skin – and I like to think that I look a little like you both.
I am a very lucky girl.
I love you mom.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there!
Beks is a full-time government employee who enjoys blogging late into the night after her four kids have gone to sleep. She’s been married to Chris, her college sweetheart, for 15 years. In 2017, after 3 long years working the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps, they paid off more than $70K and became debt free. When she’s not working or blogging, she’s exploring the great outdoors.
That was sweet and funny. Good for you!
Very sweet and a nice insight on the values that were instilled in you!
Aaawwwww 🙂
My mom made sure we ate healthy foods, too. I didn’t know the joys of Capn Crunch until I went off to school!
Aaaaaaaw! Okay…. that not only made my day, but made me cry as well. Raising you seven kids will always be the joy of my life and I couldn’t be more thankful. Now I’ve been patiently waiting for 5 1/2 years for you and Christopher to enjoy that same journey known as parenthood… but no such luck. I’ve often wondered if it was because Chris is the oldest of 8 kids and you are smack in the middle of 7. (And NO.. neither family is Catholic or Mormon.) Anyway….. I love you heaps. Thanks so much Beks. Smooches, mom
You were home schooled? Did your mother home school all of her children? Did you like being home schooled?
My husband wants me to home school my kids, so I am definitely interested in your story.
I am a long time lurker. Love the blog.
Christy – Yes, my mother taught 5 of the 7 of us at home. She started teaching me in the first grade on accident – the city school didn’t have enough room. It was the best ‘accident’ we ever had. I can’t say enough good things about home schooling. If I had a choice, I would do it all over again.
Whoa!! SEVEN children?!? Wow!
What a nice tribute to your Mom!!!! I like your version of the blame game!
We could also blame her for being so stinkin’ nice to everyone. Kindness and good listening skills can make a walk through the neighborhood or a trip to the store take twice as long…
We should definitely blame her for common sense as well. Doesn’t the saying go “ignorance is bliss”? It might be nice to have on occasion….she always kept us so informed. 🙂
Thanks mom!!!
That was such a wonderful post!