:::: MENU ::::

New numbers!


I originally planned to post numbers at the first of each month.  Well, finding a little success here in the first 20 days I decided to publish them earlier than expected.  I both wanted to share the good news as well as find some motivation.  That big ol’ “$0 paid” was bugging me. We will have a bit more subtracted before the end of the month so I’ll plan on posting again on April 1.  I am not spending too much time in the celebration mode that no new debt was added but that is still a big deal to me.  It was pure habit to just use credit cards or lines of credit to make ends meet…instead of making adjustments to spending to have no need to add debt AND pay off extra debt here and there.  So, don’t think I’m throwing my shoulder out patting myself on the back…but I do also want to recognize that as an early accomplishment.

Later tonight I am going to work on a post that gives you interest rates and minimum payments.  I agree that that is important for you to know.  Now that some of you have gotten over the initial shock you can perhaps better hear the information.  I figure those who could not bear the nightmare with me have left the building so those of you who are still interested can see the specifics.  It’ll be a  LONG post keep in mind…but I’m very ready to share!

Back in a bit…


  • Reply Carol |

    Hi Claire,
    I’m enjoying your posts – looks like you’re off to a good start. Could you let me know where I can get the calucalator you have on the right hand side (My Debt/original debt/paid/remaining etc”). Is this downloadable somewhere or where do I buy it.
    Thanks and good luck with the rest of your debt payoff.

    • Reply Jeffrey |


      It should be available fairly soon for free. I will let you know when it’s available.

      Jeffrey Strain

  • Reply Shauna |

    HI, Are you planning on closing the credit cards and lines of credit as you pay them off until you are down to an emergency card or two only?

    Kudos for doing this!

  • Reply Katie |

    Credit Card 1: $0.00 Yeah! And no new debt! Double yeah!!!

    No new debt IS a big deal. Like you said, it’s a change in mindset to not rely on credit to make ends meet, and change doesn’t come easy.

    Thanks for the numbers update! I kinda miss the thrill of watching my debt go down, so I’m glad I can cheer you on as I work on building my savings up. You’re doing great. 🙂

  • Reply Claire |

    ooooh good reminder Shauna. I’ll note which ones are already closed in my report. I did proactively close several through the years…at least on some level recognizing my inability to control the spending??? I think one or two closed the accounts FOR me but just on “neutral” terms. The ones that are currently open I will likely keep open simply because they are with great financial institutions that I have other investments with…and will do my credit score good.

  • Reply Marianne |

    YAY! I know how difficult it is to switch from floating your spending on credit cards/ lines of credit to paying for everything with cash and then making payments so don’t think that achievement is lost on me! That is the very first step to paying off debt and it can be a very hard switch to make!

  • Reply Alice @ Dont Debt |

    Congratulations!! I am so glad for your success. I can feel your excitement as I read your post and it helps me feel motivated.

  • Reply Theresa |

    Great job!! I, too, am celebrating no new debt this month, and it Is a big deal. It was just such a habit, and you think, oh, it’s only 20 dollars! But it’s hindering my balance going down! So I’m right there with you. Your posts are so inspiring. I feel like I’m not in this alone. Thanks!!

    • Reply Claire |

      Theresa–Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh the curse of the “it’s only 20 dollars!” You hit the nail on the head and here’s to “OMG!!! THAT COSTS 20 DOLLARS!!!” being our new and improved approach! 🙂

  • Reply kim |

    Congratulations on paying off the first card! You will breathe easier with each and every one.

  • Reply Diane |

    Hi Claire! I have been following Theresa, Beks, and now you! I think that you are very brave in posting your line item debt, this can be quite daunting to actually “look” on paper or on website exactly what and how much to pay. Ouch, uncomfortable, yikes, pain, but must be done, I know because I am doing it too (along with you, how about that?)! You have inspired me (along with Theresa and Beks) to create my own blog such as this. My only problem in getting rid of our debt is that I am unemployed, tough job market for those in their 50s. My husband’s income is the only one and we have a 9 yr old son. My husband is a freelance set lighting guy (works on movies) Only prolem, when his TV show ends, no income so I am radically trying to find a job. We don’t have much debt, thankfully, but it is hard to pay off when the income is scattered. Hence, my blog. Ignore the naysayers. Develop a thick skin if possible, and remember that you are a brave person for posting and for comfronting. Hang in there and I will cheer you on! Remember, a habit takes 30 days to create as a habit, let alone years. Also, give yourself multiple pats on the back and listen to your intuition!

  • Reply Diane |

    Hey, one last thing, there will always be people who talk about being debt free, etc which is comendable to stay that way. There will always be people who throw stones at glass houses, you just hang in there and one day you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. But keeping debt free is another thing too. Life can throw many monkey wrenches, lemons, you name it so keep your eye on the prize!

So, what do you think ?