by Ashley
Hey guys! Hope your weekend is off to a good start!
Just wanted to pop in quickly to let you know about a couple of FREEBIES that I just recently came across…
1. Free Make-up/Nail Polish
Over on Jordan’s blog (, she recently posted about how to get a FREE Beauty Box valued at $80!!!
You go to this site (, sign up for their monthly boxes, and your first one is free. BUT, you can cancel anytime (even before your first “paid” box), so you can essentially just get the FREE box and cancel right away. Make sure to read the itty-bitty fine print (not sure if everyone’s is the same or if it depends on when you join, but for me it said I have to cancel between the 20th-24th because boxes are shipped on the 27th). Generally I wouldn’t bother with this, but I actually just ran out of eyeliner and I’m also running very low on lipgloss. This box came with BOTH eyeliner AND lipgloss along with 3 nail polishes. The shipping cost was $2.99, which is WAY less than even just a single eyeliner (not to mention the lipgloss). I don’t need the nail polishes, but I just see them as bonuses. Be sure to enter the promo code at checkout!
2. Free Music
I’ve recently started reading The Prudent Homemaker’s blog (thanks to reader tips! Thanks guys!). I love how she does the “Last Week’s Frugal Accomplishments” posts – I always get great ideas of ways to save money (both from her AND in the comments!)
I was shocked – SHOCKED! – when she mentioned in her last frugal accomplishments post that her library does free music downloads. Totally 100% free (not “rented”, no strings attached). I immediately logged into my library’s website and found out MINE DOES TOO!!!! You can imagine my frustration when one of the FIRST songs that popped up was one I had just barely bought for $1.99. Argh – hate when that happens! But now I know about this and I totally plan on taking advantage all summer long (or however long it lasts – has this always been a “thing” and I’m just now finding out about it??). My library allows 3 free downloads per week and the music is yours forever. It’s also new stuff so this is a great find for me, as I’ve been slowly trying to “beef up” my music library. Check our your library too!!!
Any fun freebies that YOU have found lately???

Hi, I’m Ashley! Arizonan on paper, Texan at heart. Lover of running, blogging, and all things cheeeeese. Early 40s, married mother of two, working in academia. Trying to finally (finally!) pay off that ridiculous 6-digit student loan debt!
Funny you mention the music downloads, our library just told us about this today! We get 4 free downloads per week plus access to almost 100 digital magazine subscriptions, etc! We LOVE our local library
Hey Ashley,
I signed up for Julep and tried to cancel my account after, and I was unable. I keep being told to leave a voicemail and they’ll get back to me, although they never do. How did you cancel yours?