:::: MENU ::::

Kid Free


Not debt related, but had to share anyways as I am so excited…

Last night I dropped off my younger two at the local Christian camp for the week, and my eldest twin at a friend’s house a city away for the week.  Last Sunday, I dropped off the other twin at another TeenPact event at a local college campus for the week. Do you see where I’m going with this?

I am totally and completely kid free from last night (Tuesday) until Friday afternoon…KID FREE!

Do you know when that happens as a single, homeschooling, working from home mom…ABSOLUTELY NEVER!

I don’t know what all I am going to do with my time…but I know I will fill it.  And there’s not anything debt related I can say with this, but I will put this out there…

If you know a single mom (or dad,) a passing acquaintance even, it would really nice to offer her a break.  In my, granted biased opinion, being parent is one of the hardest jobs ever and while it is super rewarding in so many ways…I think every mom deserves a break every now and again, and us single mom’s, well we don’t get them.  So if you can…reach out to one, I promise you that it will make a world of difference to her spirit.

I will now step off my single mom soapbox and resume my debt payoff journey.


  • Reply petrish @ debt free martini |

    As a single parent myself I can only imagine the liberation your feeling! Enjoy it and pamper yourself.

  • Reply Helene |

    My son is going to be away for a few days next week, so I absolutely understand. I’m already making lists of all the drudge work I can get out of the way while he’s gone. Have fun!!

  • Reply Claire |

    I just recently blogged about my weekend child free like you this almost never happens for me and as a single mum myself I know how much you will need and enjoy this break. Have fun and try to get a bit of relaxation in there if you can even if it’s just sitting in the garden with a good book for an hour xxx

So, what do you think ?