by Ashley
I was debating what to do about my hair for my upcoming not-an-interview.
As you might recall, I went a full 9+ months without a single professional hair cut/color (I cut and colored my own hair at home during that time). The only reason I opted to finally go back to a professional hair salon was in preparation of my last interview. That was almost exactly 2 months ago and I’ve been really torn on what to do for my upcoming trip. I know I want to have a nice, polished look, but I don’t want to spend a lot of money and I feel like I just barely had my hair done!
Well, I think I came up with a good compromise/solution to the hair conundrum I found myself in (first world problems, right?) I went to an Aveda Institute salon (the “Institute” salons are the schools so they’re cheaper) and I paid for a cut and eyebrow wax, deciding to forego the color. I think my “old” highlights (said in quotes because they’re only 2 months old!) still look great. I don’t have a noticeable line of new growth and I think they’re holding up well. But my last salon visit I did more of a trim so, to have the polished freshly-cut look, I had the hair stylist cut a couple inches off the bottom and add in some new subtle layers.
The total cost for cut + eyebrow wax was a whopping $25. Add in the cost of tip ($7) and parking ($3) and the grand total was $35. Much, much cheaper than if I’d added in any color. Plus, I think the new ‘do provides a nice, polished look to it. Could just be a psychological thing, too, but hey – it’s important to feel confident at an interview, so I think it’s worth the price tag (plus I’d budgeted for this back in February, too).
Speaking of….
Surprise! I’m here now! (note: I’ve purposely not mentioned where, specifically, I am….but I’m at the interview location, heh).
I flew in on Wednesday afternoon, picked up my shiny new rental car (brand new! so many fun/cool features!), and checked into my super fancy-pants hotel (with a full kitchen! full fridge! free hot breakfast! free evening social hour!!!) I’ll miss my kiddos but – man – can I stay an extra day? LoL! I feel like I’m in the lap of luxury right now!!
Meanwhile, I wrote this post on Wednesday night as TODAY is my interview not-an-interview! Wish me luck! They’ve got my itinerary pretty jam-packed in the morning (guest lecture from 9:30-10:45; then research presentation from 11:00-12:00), but then the rest of the day is more casual (lunch with faculty, individual faculty meetings, etc.). I wish it wasn’t back-to-back with my two presentations first thing in the morning, but at least that way I’ve got them out of the way and can just basically coast the rest of the day.
So – for a second time – please wish me luck! I know that there’s not officially a position open right now, but I’ve got to think that if this visit goes well that I’ll have made the short list for the next position that comes available (whenever that may be).
Also, thanks to those of you who have sent lists/links of interview questions for academic positions. I’ve definitely used them to brush up a bit before my campus visit.
Hope you all have a great Thursday! I’ll see you next week when I’m back in Tucson!

Hi, I’m Ashley! Arizonan on paper, Texan at heart. Lover of running, blogging, and all things cheeeeese. Early 40s, married mother of two, working in academia. Trying to finally (finally!) pay off that ridiculous 6-digit student loan debt!
Good luck enjoy the luxury!
Good luck on campus!
Good luck today! And yes, enjoy all of those perks! Great deal on the trim and eyebrow wax. .. For $35, I’m speechless. That’s amazing.
Good luck today!
Off topic but thought you’d be interested in this article!
Oh man, I read about 2/3 (that was long!) and so sad and depressing! This is the reason why I don’t adjunct at the community college – it’s just not enough money (I’d make nothing after factoring in childcare). It also makes me feel so, so fortunate for my online teaching job, though. I’m compensated extremely fairly for that adjunct position, especially considering its online so I can work on my own schedule and have no associated costs (for business attire, parking, gas, etc.)
Yeah, it seriously was sad to read!! Also it said that median income for one adjunct class is $2700….my husband made just $900 a CLASS from the community college he adjuncted at 2 years ago!! Wow was that not worth it in the least. Anyway, I totally get why you don’t do in-person adjuncting right now! I just read your latest post and really have my fingers crossed that you get an in-person full time professor job soon!! My husband found one this past year and it has been so amazing to see him come alive since he loves his job so much. I DEFINITELY think you should give it another year (if not more) before you give up on that dream–sounds like you are really gifted at it!
So funny – I’m just now reading this (2 seconds after I just published a new blog post where I talk about how I’m going to keep trying for an academic position).
I CANNOT BELIEVE your hubs only made $900/class! For a full semester!? Are you freaking kidding me??? That’s seriously below poverty level! I do know several people who piece together full-time adjuncting work and its crazy! They’ll drive all over town from campus to campus, pay for all that gasoline, parking, business attire, etc. Plus all the hours outside of the class spent preparing lessons, grading papers, answering emails, etc. That article about “adjuncts are the new fast food worker” is seriously legit! If they raise fast food workers’ salaries to $15/hr, then it definitely pays more than an adjunct makes, plus is a whole lost less stress! Yikes!
Good luck Ashley!
Good luck!!