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Explore The Immense Benefits of Credit Cards Payments!


Many of us like traveling. We enjoy discovering new places and sights. These days tourism and traveling form a huge sector of the economy. Traveling requires transport, warranties, accommodation and many other services. Smart people know that there is always a possibility to get good discounts for all those or even enjoy them for free!

Learn some tips on how to choose your travel credit card and enjoy immense benefits! It will make your traveling easier and help you cut back on your expenses! Today credit card insurance companies offer very attractive packages along with their regular offers. To learn about them go to effectify website, the online portal where you can have an overview of the hottest deals!

Overview of your Travel Credit Card Possibilities!

If you choose your credit card right, you will greatly economize on accommodation, insurance costs, and much more! Here are some suggestions.

  • Collect the points. When you pay with your credit card, you automatically get miles or points. Having collected enough, you can pay less for your travel ticket.
  • Get exclusive hotel offers. Choose a good travel credit card, and you will get accommodation at your desired hotel with a great reduction in price or even for free.  Banks sign the contract with hotels. You pay with a card, get points and then convert them into dollars. For example, you can get a family trip to Disneyland (flight cost and accommodation covered). If you are single, enjoy surfing in Hawaii, with this deal you cut back up to 1200 dollars.
  • Use a credit card and get entertainment for free. Offers for credit card usage include not only traveling but cultural events. Enjoy Governors Ball Music Festival for two!
  • Get hot deals on insurance.

Find a Way to Economize!

  • Using your credit card, you can greatly economize on warranty!
  • Protect your luggage for a cheaper price!
  • You can secure your luggage for a total of 3 000 dollars!
  • Get trip delay insurance! It is a very valuable offer! Especially it is beneficial if you travel a lot! You can compensate the unpredictable costs in case your flight delays!
  • Buy protection of your items! Usually, banks can reimburse up to 1000 dollars for each item lost or stolen!

Explore the immense benefits you receive if you pay with credit cards! Check new offers on reliable websites! Follow e-resources as bbc.com. Visit the website to get the latest news in banking sector! Make your traveling more comfortable and less expensive!


  • Reply Ben H. |

    I have to agree with other commenters. Getting another credit card is the last thing that anyone with debt problems should be considering.

  • Reply scarr |

    Considering that the new BAD blogger has credit card and spending problems, this post is wildly inappropriate.

  • Reply Jane |

    Seriously? This is completely inappropriate considering Marie’s story. Where is Ashley? Can an admin at least update readers on her status here? Ashley, if you’re reading, start a blog! You have plenty of people wanting to continue following and cheering on your debt free journey!!

  • Reply Lisa |

    Really? Blogging Away Debt should not be urging the use of credit cards! Have you read Marie’s story at all?!?

  • Reply ginsue |

    yeah, this is a load of crap. and i have to say that i am even suspicious of the new blogger’s story. she showed up at a time when there was no one else who would write for free. she has generated lots of interest in a dying blog. you know if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, etc.

  • Reply Megan |

    I agree. This post seems out of place and tone deaf to the previous posts from the new blogger.

  • Reply Maureen |

    So it is clear this is the beginning of the new ownership. Look for future affiliate links! :/ I also wondered if the Marie’s story is real. Now, because we give email addresses to post, I’m willing to bet we start getting spam. I don’t see a privacy policy or T&C links to verify that.

  • Reply Angie |

    This post straight up sucks, especially in light of Marie’s story. How freakin’ tone deaf can you be? Hey Admin: you require your bloggers to address the comments. What’s your excuse for this pathetic excuse for a topic on a website that’s called BLOGGING AWAY DEBT.

  • Reply Kili |

    Ashley and Hope seems like we’re all rooting for you 🙂 please let us know how you’ve been

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