:::: MENU ::::

Cross Your Fingers for Me


Later today I have what I think will be a final interview for a full time job here in GA.  It’s the one I referenced here that called me on our move down.  I’ve been through the first interview, personality test, submitted professional references, so I think this should be the last in person part of the process…

Not counting my chickens before they hatch, been through too much of this in the past year and a half to do that, but I am hopeful. We’ve got one more week here before we return to VA for a week for Gymnast state meet, Princess orthodontist appointment and so on. (Yes, I did let this potential job know about this commitment in the very first phone call and again in the person interview.)

This move has been a BIG change for us all.  While I am really enjoying the lower cost of living (gas and groceries,) we are all filling the pinch of lack of activities for the kids.  We’ve been exploring the surrounding counties to see what their parks and rec departments have to offer.  I know once they get plugged in and make some friends it will be easier on them.

trying on shoes

Princess and I spent Friday night window shopping and trying on shoes just to get out of the house while Gymnast spent the weekend at cousins.

Oh, and Sea Cadet has a job interview as a vet tech tomorrow. I’m not sure how that will work since he has unofficially committed to the same summer camp as last year. If he gets this local job, he will have some decisions to make.


    • Reply Hope |

      I’m not real sure. He didn’t get the job. He continues to work at the same theatre chain he worked at in VA, he was able to transfer. The only downside is that it is 45 minutes away. He will continue to look for something local once we return from our final week in VA.

  • Reply Kili |

    Hi Hope,. Thanks for checking in.
    Is there a Home school coop Like before you could join for new friends?
    Does The local church offer any activities?
    Fingers crossed for The final Interview. Let US know how it Went

    • Reply Hope |

      Everyone says there are a lot of homeschoolers around, but we have yet to connect with any. It’s been a very stressful three weeks here for alot of reasons. I’m sure things will settle down as we settle into some permanence for the first time in a couple of years because I GOT THE JOB!
      We have attended a local church and they have some stuff, but we may visit around once we return from our final week in VA before committing to one.

  • Reply Walnut |

    This is great news, Hope! I’m hopeful that the new job will be a good opportunity to build yourself up. If nothing else, more incoming cash won’t hurt!!

  • Reply Judi |

    Congratulations! What wonderful news! May this be the start of many new exciting beginnings for you and your family!

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