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Brace Payment Be Gone


Braces have been part of our lives for almost five years now. You can read some history in these two older posts.

A Car or Braces

Braces – Part II

But I am excited to announce that as of yesterday, all brace debt is GONE! Paid the final $460 payment!

(Braces were not in my budget as I have maxed out my FSA deductions from my W2 job and have been using it to make the payments since I started my W2 job in March.)

Man, this feels good!


  • Reply Walnut |

    Whoo! Nice job, Hope. It’s great timing with your student loan payments starting up.

  • Reply TPol |

    Congrats! One less payment. When I was a child, I had braces but as I remember my father’s insurance had paid for all of it. That is in Turkey and back in 1980s. Noone has that anymore.

  • Reply Clare |

    Fab when you pay something off in full, such a feeling of satisfaction well done!

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