by Ashley
I’m writing this before my meeting with a lawyer, so I’m not sure whether any of this may change, but…..
The plan is for me to get keys for my new rental on 9/1. My move is scheduled for 9/2.
Move-in Costs Include:
- $1245 – September rent
- $150 – One time application processing fee from the Property Management company
- $1495 – Security deposit
That’s already nearly $3,000 right off the bat.
I’ve reserved a 17″ U-Haul truck, 1 utility dolly, and 1/2 dozen furniture pads for $45, plus 99 cents per mile.
I’m also going to be hiring loading and unloading help. I received a quote for a 2-person crew, 2 hours of help for $125. That seems very reasonable to me. Hubs and I are also in an amicable situation right now. His mother was already planning to be in town over the weekend and is going to take the girls for a “Grandma Fun-Day” so they don’t have to be part of the potentially stressful and/or emotionally-charged move situation. Hubs has offered help in moving, so if the 2-person crew isn’t able to finish the job within 2-hours, I’m not going to be left high and dry, as hubs is willing to pitch in.
Luckily, August is a 3-paycheck month for me. 100% of my 3rd paycheck is going toward paying move-in costs. Unfortunately, my paycheck is for under $2500, and my costs are going to be closer to $3500 (after accounting for miscellaneous extra’s, like new shelf liners and whatever other small “stuff” pops up – not talking about furnishings/decor here). The way I’m planning to cover this is to pay the September rent out of my September income….essentially moving that expense from August to September (for accounting purposes). It’s a little bit robbing Peter to pay Paul, but it’s going to have to work. I do have the liquid cash available now (these expenses have to be paid PRIOR to receiving keys on 9/1), but for budgeting purposes will categorize rent as a September expense rather than an August one.
Once I’m settled into the new place, I’m looking forward to the stability and predictability of regular bills, regular income, etc. There will still be a bit of a transitionary period as I’m trying to buy key pieces of furniture. For instance, I mentioned the need for a washer/dryer (which I hope to buy used). I will also need a kitchen table, though the rental has a kitchen bar and we already have bar-stools so I’m planning to use that for the immediate time being. I mostly want to be mindful about slooooooowly getting new (or used, new-to-us) items rather than running out on a spending spree just to fill up space and make it feel more like “home.” Ultimately, home is wherever we are and that’s what matters most. <3

Hi, I’m Ashley! Arizonan on paper, Texan at heart. Lover of running, blogging, and all things cheeeeese. Early 40s, married mother of two, working in academia. Trying to finally (finally!) pay off that ridiculous 6-digit student loan debt!
If you have a happy & excited attitude to your new place i’m sure your kids will too. When I moved out I spent $50 on my son’s favourite toys – a train set and a parking garage – to ease the transition and so he had one set at each house. (I couldn’t take his train set with me as most of it actually belonged to his older siblings from before my marriage.) I also made sure to set up his bedroom first, so that from his first night he had a completed safe space. Good luck! I was sooooo happy the first night I had me & my kid in our new home. I hope you get some of that feeling.
Good luck to you and your girls.
Beautiful picture. Prayers and strength to you. It’s tough, but over time you will develop new habits, routines, and an identity as the 3 of you. There’s a lot of fun to be had, too 🙂 Don’t be in a rush to fill up the house, and as you do, don’t worry about getting things for the long-term or fancy. My first table was a cheapo from a discount store; it was sturdy as heck and I still have it in my basement. My next table and chairs was very cheap but from a nice furniture store; still have and love that set.
Does your university have a surplus store? Mine does and a lot of my tables and chairs come from there. When the university upgrades classroom/dorm furniture they send a lot of it to the surplus store to recoup some of the cost, but it is usually sold for maybe $10-$20/piece.
Will you have to put up any deposits to turn on utilities? (Possibly not since you already have utilities in the same area.)
Facebook marketplace has been a surprisingly good sources of quality furniture/toys for us. You can create a saved search on facebook so that if anything in your area comes up with a match to your keywords, you get an alert. I have gotten some excellent deals that way on otherwise expensive kid stuff. It works best if you are willing to wait for the right deal to come up.
Hi Ashley,
Wishing you all the best.
Fingers crossed everything stays amicable.
For clarification purposes, not to argue or anything:
Why are three of you moving out and one of you is staying?
Is hubs willing to move out on the spot if a buyer is found?
Is it easier to stage a house with only one inhabitant?
If you re not comfortable discussing this, no problem.
Hope everything works out for the best! Great picture of you guys.
during this time of transition – before you spend a cent – don’t be afraid to mention to people [friends, family, co-workers] the things you are missing from your new place. this move is costing you a huge amount of money and you’d be surprised what people have stashed away that they aren’t using. you have in the past – and in the future will again – passed the goodwill forward to another family/mom/individual in need, but right now – saying ‘hey if anyone has a….. kitchen table, extra bedding, towels, etc’ will save you over the short term until you really and truly have a few months under your belt and can afford them.
Did you get moved?
I’m just now catching up on all the news! I’m sorry to hear about the situation. For new furniture and any other items you may find yourself in need of, join your local Buy Nothing group on Facebook. I’ve found ours to be incredibly helpful and we’ve had things from couches, dressers, dining tables, and every thing in between on there.
Good luck!