:::: MENU ::::

The reserves are now empty…


Since July of last year, I have gone from a significant and steady full time income to 7 months at a 30% reduction from that full time number.

On February 23rd, I became unemployed with income of just a few hundred dollars for that next month.

In mid-March, I started a part time job at $25 per hour, less than a 1/3 of my typical hourly rate. Bringing in right around $2,000 per month. (I do have to say that I LOVE this job. Very, very much. And I love the owner whom I get to work with. It has been such a refreshing change for me. And I come to an office every day.)

And then last week, took on another part time job at $40 per hour a little less than 2/3 of my typical hourly rate. (No payment yet.)

But with all that said…the reserves are completely dry. And as of last week, I am late on my first bill after 9 months of being under and un-employed.

Not panicking

And I have to say, I am not worried. I know this will all work out.

But my gut reaction…I am so freaking proud of myself! Anyone who has followed me knows that my financial life, especially when it comes to have savings has been a nightmare for the most part. But guys, I had enough in savings to make it through 9 months.

I’m continuing to look for side work, pick up website design for people, and applying via Upwork for contract/freelance gigs.

Less to worry about

Another side of this is that my obligations are lessening. The twins have moved away, back to Virginia. Princess is pretty much supporting herself. And we are just six weeks away from Gymnast moving.

Loaded and ready for her first roadtrip – Texas bound!

Oh, and my sister visited and fell in love with one of my dogs…so I have gone from 7 dogs, to 6 (Princess’ Chihuahua passed a month-ish ago), and now to 5.

I know these are not significate cost savings for me. But they are definitely burdens off my shoulders mentally. And that helps. Turning the corner and my best not to dig too deep of a hole while I get back on my feet.

Read more from Hope

Hope’s First post on BAD – March, 2014

Hope’s Most Recent post on BAD (before this one) – April, 2023

The Adoption Story – April, 2014


  • Reply Alice |

    Hope, I am always pulling for you. Best of luck and can’t wait to hear how you bounce back.

  • Reply LB |

    have missed your posts but am glad you are still out there! best of luck! keep us posted.

  • Reply Den |


    Are there any programs in your area that could help you during this difficult financial time? Government assistance? Church? Charities? They are there to help people who need a hand up…. I’m rooting for you!

    • Reply Hope |

      There are local churches that hand out groceries. But so far, we are doing okay on that front. As far as government assistance, I make too much money. Go figure.
      But I know things will work out okay. I have complete faith in that.

  • Reply Shanna |

    Totally pulling for you as well, but a little confused how what you are taking in a month in a very LCOL area is not sufficient to keep you from running through your savings in such a short time? On the flip side, good for you for having that savings to keep from piling up CC debt. Also, with gymnast moving and not in school (or maybe he is in school, if he is full time in school he can stay on your policy) he will need to get his own car insurance policy, which will also save you a significant amount of money.

    • Reply Hope |

      At this point, Gymnast is not planning to go to school at this point, but he’s also still under 18 so he cannot get his own policy.
      But, and I think I mentioned this earlier this year, I have given him 6 months to get settled into Texas before he has to take over the bills I am still covering for him (and for the kids that are in school) which include his car insurance and cell phone.
      And as far as your question about how we ran through savings so fast…my car insurance is insane! I will have no complaints when the kids start paying their own way but as long as I can help even a little, especially while they are in school, I will.

So, what do you think ?