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3 Sports You Can Play While Eliminating Debt


When you are trying to eliminate debt, you may develop a debt management plan that cuts unnecessary expenses. That said, I have found that sports help my physical and mental health, so I wanted to provide you with 3 sports that won’t break your bank.

In addition, these 3 sports may provide a new hobby that is much less costly than other hobbies such as shopping or vacations.

Let’s jump right in.

1) Pickleball 

There’s a reason that pickleball continues to be the fastest growing sport in America for the third year in a row. The game can take 5 minutes to learn how to play, and it’s not age restrictive.

For example, I just played pickleball this past week with a 6 year old, and I have seen folks potentially in their 70s and 80s playing pickleball daily.

Pickleball is also an extremely affordable sport. For example, you can find a budget pickleball paddle in the range of $7-$10. A pickleball ball can cost as little as $1-$3 each, and many pickleball courts are public spaces.

So, you can play pickleball potentially under $10!

In addition, you can often find pickleball paddle promotion and discount codes that will make pickleball even cheaper. For example, BePickleBaller’s discount code database provides anywhere from $10 to 15% off pickleball paddles, and you can often use those codes for discounted and blemished paddles.

So, let’s go through the list. Pickleball is:

  1. Cheap
  2. Fun
  3. Easy To Learn
  4. Fun place to make new friends

Now you can see why pickleball is a great sport to play while you’re trying to get out of debt.

2) Tennis

Tennis is another sport that is easy to learn. Like pickleball, you only need to purchase a tennis racket and a ball.

Thankfully, there are many tennis courts around the United States that are free to play with. One of the downsides of tennis though is that I have found that it’s harder to play while I have gotten older.

And, you can fit 4 pickleball courts on 1 tennis court, which shows that you are moving around less in pickleball potentially, making it easier to play while you are older.

In addition, you can play pickleball alone and you can also play tennis alone if you have a wall to practice on.


3) Basketball

Basketball is the third sport that you can play while you eliminate debt. That said, it cane be somewhat age restrictive, meaning that you may not see as many retirees play basketball like they would pickleball.

In addition, basketball is an inexpensive sport because you only need to purchase a basketball then find a public court to play.

That said, one of the reasons that basketball is ranked 3 here is that it may be challenging to find 10 players to play a game of basketball.

You can play pickleball or tennis with just 2 players, and you can potentially play pickleball alone as well.


Hopefully, pickleball, tennis or basketball can be a great hobby sport that you can pick up while you are trying to get out of debt.

Thankfully, each of these sports have a low cost barrier to entry and are fun to play.

So, what do you think ?