:::: MENU ::::

Hope’s Actual Spend – August, 2024


I posted my forecasted spend for August back in July here.

And now that we are at the end of the month, this is my report on actual spend.

DatePayee/CategoryAnticipated AmountActual Spending
08-01-2024Groceries / Hygiene / Dogs / Gas-590-514
08-02-2024Auto Insurance-1460-1460
08-02-2024Credit One 2-50-1,102
08-02-2024Personal Loan 2-500-500
08-02-2024Pest Control-80-80
08-03-2024Mortgage ($200 principal only)-1215-1015
08-03-2024TX to Savings-790-188
08-03-2024TX to TRV SAV 1387-5000
08-03-2024Taxes, SS, Medicare (30%)-2550-2550
08-04-2024Amazon CC-60-54
08-04-2024City Utilities - varies-150-95
08-07-2024Auto - Maintenance-1000
08-09-2024Electric - varies-250-358
08-10-2024Income - varies440242
08-15-2024House (estimated)-350-637
08-20-2024Kids Payments1215115
08-20-2024Frontier CC-130-124
Incomesold an old iPad300
Princess Tuition-1,071
Oral Surgeon for Princess-400


I will explain the large difference in the kids’ contributions in a future post. But I anticipate receiving several hundred more dollars of that in the next week. Beauty’s car purchase came with some unplanned expenses so she needed to delay her payment.

Unplanned Expenses

There were a couple unplanned items like Princess school costs. She received far less in financial aid grants due to my increased income in 2022. So rather than have her take a loan for that, I just covered it. I am so grateful that I was in a position to do so.

We did visit a oral surgeon with the goal of getting Princess’ wisdom teeth out this fall. We’ve known this was needed for some years, but she’s not prioritized taking the time to get it done. It is now made itself a priority with the pain caused by their growth. All 4 are impacted, coming in sideways and none have broken through the gums. All of my kids have had this done except for History Buff.

Varying Utilities + Heat

My electric bill was WAY HIGHER than expected. But then again, the heat has been merciless. We are on month two of $350+ electric bill. Praying that it drop considerably in September. It’s definitely been a little bit cooler here lately.

Lower Part Time Income

You will see that my part time income was even lower than expected. The manager has been struggling with controlling labor costs so she specifically asked me to have regularly scheduled staff handle many of my typical in store duties. That was fine with me, but did result in less income.

But I was able to sell an old iPad for $300 so that helped offset that drop. I continue to identify things to sell and have a list of things that I plan to list in the next couple of weeks. It’s just taking the time to get photos and do the research on what price to list them at.

I have plans to sell my inherited collection of antique cameras and some furniture next. (The kids have all had ample opportunities to express their interest in having or inheriting anything, but other than that, I am still very much in purge, minimalist mode.)

I don’t think there was anything else unexpected here. I already wrote about how I decided to pull my savings and pay off the credit card instead.



  • Reply Walnut |

    Princess should be taking on a small subsidized loan for tuition plus rent for the year. Even if you decided to pay it off for her, you’d be money ahead on interest.

    • Reply Hope |

      I hadn’t thought of that. But don’t know of any subsidized loans available to her.
      With my increase in steady income and some side jobs, I’ve been picking up, it may not be a factor now.
      And she did get a job, started yesterday – woot!

  • Reply Cwaltz |

    So let’s sum this up. You took in less than you expected and then proceeded to spend more than the initial budget. You are going to travel to Texas despite not funding that category at all. This is not what normal budgeting looks like Hope- at all. Normal budgeting projects low and then when you have excesses you place those in spending and savings goals.

    • Reply Hope |

      This was last month. And yes, I chose to pay off a card versus put it in savings and travel as planned.
      However, I’ve been saving all my part time income since January so I while I did not project to pay for school tuition or wisdom teeth deposit, it didn’t throw anything else off. I have the slush fund savings for that.
      And the trip to Texas is not until later this month…so that money will come from the Travel savings that was put away this month. The trip won’t cost $500 since it’s just gas to get there and back (and back will most likely be in October so it will be in my forecasted spending.) Make sense?
      And the nice thing is…this month, I’ve already got an extra $1,000 coming in, that again, I couldn’t have forecasted or budgeted for. Just the way it goes with contract work.

So, what do you think ?