:::: MENU ::::

Hope’s Planned Spending – October, 2024


I have been “forecasting” for years. It’s my way of budgeting and planning. My kids also use this method.

Here is my planned spending for next month. Praying there are no surprises because I am planning to the last penny especially with Princess’ wisdom teeth surgery this coming month.

10-01-2024Groceries / Hygiene / Dogs / Gas-500
10-01-2024Full time income - varies11950
10-03-2024Auto Insurance-930
10-03-2024Investment Acct-350
10-03-2024EF Savings-790
10-03-2024Travel Savings-500
10-04-2024City Utilities - varies-150
10-05-2024Princess rent-750
10-07-2024Return from Texas-200
10-09-2024Electric - varies-250
10-10-2024Part time Income - varies240
10-10-2024Meds for Dogs-425 (est)
10-14-2024Princess surgery-3610
10-20-2024Kids Contributions400
10-27-2024Twins Birthday-200
Taxes, SS, Medicare (30%)-2550

I will pay off the Frontier card this month. And savings continues. And I will figure out this month how my new income is going to affect my taxes and self employment related costs. So that number may be affected significantly once I run some analysis.

It’s also the twins’ birthday month! Last year I could do almost nothing. While I will stick to my budget, I do plan to try to come up with something pretty cool for their birthday. Ideas?

With the dogs being boarded next month for our Thanksgiving trip to Texas, I must make sure they are up to date on everything specifically Bordatella, etc to prevent kennel cough.  Not sure on cost, but I figured this amount should be plenty.

The kids’ contributions have been adjusted based on Paying Back Gymnast AND I anticipate that Beauty will have a plan for moving out and no longer be paying rent. (That’s not firm at this point, but it’s a definite possibility so I am planning accordingly.) Their remaining payments are their phone payments (the Verizon bill).


Update on 9/16: I wrote this post at the beginning of the month. And then all sorts of things changed. So I’m publishing it as planned, but there will be revised version going up by the end of the month that will be a more accurate plan. Lots of moving parts and decisions being made.



  • Reply Cwaltz |

    You did not make $9000 last month and this month you are projecting over $3000 more. Where do you plan on cutting if you can’t pull in $12,000. *sigh*

    • Reply Hope |

      Did you not see my post about going full time…that is now my base income with my full time job. It does not account for the income I get from my part time job nor any of my other projects that I have going at any given time. I’m budgeting based on my income.

      • Reply Cwaltz |

        You made $8600 plus some change last month and that was including a laptop sale. Were you full time last month when you got paid?

      • Reply Heather |

        Go Hope! 12,000 a month is a great salary. My DH and I dont pull in that much both working full time. congrats on the new job!!

So, what do you think ?