by Hope
Last month was a wash since I paid off a credit card, but then turned around and used it for Princess’ wisdom teeth extraction.
However, this month, we are getting back on track.
Debt Description | October, 2023 Total | Interest Rate | Minimum Payment | Current Total | Payoff Date (Est) |
CC - Frontier | $3,857 | 29.99% | $130 | $2,718 | December, 2024 |
Dad - New Furnace | $2,600 | 0% | $0 | $2,600 | January, 2025 |
CC - USAA | $5,000 | 19.15% | $135 | $2,723 | March, 2025 |
Student Loans | $22,121 | 2.875% | deferrment | $22,850 | September, 2025? |
CC - Apple** | $500 | Paid off every month | $0 | ||
CC - AMEX | $894 | 29.24% | $0 | $0 | Mar, 2024 - Closed |
CC - Sams | $1,106 | 29.99% | $0 | $0 | April, 2024 |
Personal Loan #1 | $2,500 | 0% | $0 | $0 | July, 2024 |
Personal Loan #2 | $2,500 | 0% | $0 | $0 | August, 2024 |
CC - Wander | $1,630 | 29.24% | $0 | $0 | August, 2024 - Closed |
CC - Amazon | $1,497 | 29.99% | $0 | $0 | September, 2024 |
Total | $44,206 | $265 | $30,891 |
After paying all the monthly obligations (bills plus transfers to savings, investments) and debt payments, I have $586 left. I’m anticipating that will cover the Texas trip. This will allow my savings to remain in tact which gives me a great deal of comfort.
Christmas on the Brain
I am already struggling with the idea of Christmas. This next week I will break out the remaining $5 for my Christmas budget and figure out how to use it. Thankfully, the kids are all great and I know they will be thrilled with anything. I truly do have great kids. The goal is to have Christmas done especially for the 3 boys and Texas family so I can avoid any shipping charges. Crossing my fingers. I’ve got to weeks to wrap it up.
Next Milestone Goal
I anticipate that my next credit card will be paid off in January at latest. The Frontier card, that is. Then I have to decide whether to focus on the final CC or pay off my dad. I feel like it should be my final personal loan. But my dad has made it clear that he is fine waiting. So I’m leaning toward the credit card. No promises, but I am sticking with the plan of paying off the credit card debt first.
I’ve also got to re-evaluate my tax plan for the new year since my annual income will be significantly higher than this year. (I’m also hoping for a bonus this year. Can’t plan for it, but I’m hoping.)

Hope is a creative, solutions-focused business manager helping clients grow their business and work more efficiently by leveraging expertise in project management, digital marketing, & tech solutions. She’s recently become an empty nester as her 5 foster/adoptive kids have spread their wings. She lives with her 3 dogs in a small town in NE Georgia and prefers the mountains to the beaches any day. She struggles with the travel bug and is doing her best to help each of her kids as their finish schooling and become independent (but it’s hard!) She has run her own consulting company for almost twenty years! Hope began sharing her journey with the BAD community in the Spring of 2015 and feels like she has finally in a place to really focus on making wise financial decisions.
Why does it look like you put so much onto the USAA debt only to put a similar amount on the Frontier card with a higher interest rate?
I use my USAA card to cover my auto insurance every month. So I pay a good amount and then re-use it half way through the month.