by Tricia
Looking around my site, you’ll see that I have a little graphic ad on the left hand side. Above it, I wrote “Great Organization.” This is not a paid ad, and I receive no compensation for having the ad on my site. Rather, that ad is there because I want it to be there.
I’ve discussed Modest Needs before, but I haven’t mentioned them in a while. To read what I wrote about them before, you can click here. For those new to reading my blog, I wanted to point them out again.
If you are experiencing a difficult time financially due to unforseen circumstances, you can turn to Modest Needs. A few examples of people they have helped:
- A woman needed a scooter to help her get around.
- Someone needed a hearing aid repaired.
- A woman needed help affording materials to get her G.E.D.
If you have some tissue handy, go ahead and read the testimonials page.
I love this organization, and I support it 100%. There are many requests that are looking to be funded, so if you are looking for an organization to support, you can become a donor at Modest Needs. Right now, thanks to a matching grant, your donation will be matched dollar for dollar. So if you donate $10, it turns into $20 that can help a family through a difficult time and hopefully keep them from the downward spiral that many of us in debt can probably relate to.
So if you need a little help, maybe Modest Needs can help you. Or, if you are looking for an organization to support, perhaps Modest Needs is one you would like to help. This organization does not spend their donations on advertising. Rather, they are hoping word of mouth will get the word out about them. I’m proud to help spread the word.
I noticed the link and clicked on it, Good idea posting in your website, unlike most charities this one you see your money having an instant impact.
My husband and I believe in modestneeds also!
What a great organization. Thanks for posting about it. I am fairly new to reading your site and I thought it was an ad. I’m going to send the link to the site to my friends. I think they’ll want to donate.
Will modest needs help me for christmas for my 5 children I work full time and go to school full time but can barely put food on table