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Technical Difficulties


Yuk. Technical difficulties are not fun, especially when you do not know what you are doing! There is some behind-the-scenes fixing that I need to do with my blog so I may or may not be around the next few days. Like I said, I’m not sure what I am doing so hopefully I don’t end up wrecking my entire blog.

If you were here way back in the beginning…I’ve already done that once!

Please send me some “Tricia won’t wreck her blog” vibes πŸ™‚


  • Reply MollysBrother |

    Technical difficulties are definitely not fun. I remember I once was fooling around on my site and thought I lost everything. A server backup helped restore everything.

    Funny thing. I titled the post explaining what happened “I nearly lost everything.” It had the highest number of hits I had received up to that point from an pfblogs dot org. I think people thought I had lost everything financially!

    Good luck with the technical stuff.

  • Reply Claire in CA, USA |

    Tricia won’t wreck her blog, Tricia won’t wreck her blog, Tricia won’t wreck her blog, Tricia won’t wreck her blog, Tricia won’t wreck her blog…

    Did it work? πŸ™‚

  • Reply Jesse |

    Tricia, can you do your fixes on a subdomain and then transfer it over? Or are they database problems?

  • Reply Tricia |

    It’s a database problem. It’s probably a really easy fix, but I am treading lightly with it and reading up on it first.

So, what do you think ?