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Teacher Gifts


The pandemic has affected a lot of people in a lot of different ways. But school teachers…now they have taken the brunt of it in my opinion. Last spring they had to switch gears with almost no notice and implement technology most of them had never used and had no desire to use. Then, on top of that, they spent a summer of uncertainty, not knowing what this school year would look like.

And now, they are teaching in person with all sorts of COVID regulations AND online with an audience that is often not motivated to participate or perform. So now they are writing curriculum, extending their work hours even more, being more available then ever. Oh, it just makes my head spin!

With 3 kids in the mix, I see it, I empathize for them. I hear of their struggles…which has trickled down to the students through no fault of their own. This is especially prevalent in our tiny town where more than 60% of homes do not have high speed internet, let alone a computer. Where many do not have transportation or food, let alone the capability to get their kid online for school or to the school to get packets.

And if they are online…well, let’s just say the “lack of performance” is overwhelming. All this to say, I really feel like I need to step up my game in appreciation/Christmas gifts for my kids teachers. I’m not saying more money, although maybe a little more, but I definitely want to put more thought into it than I have before.

I want them to know that their extra work is seen and appreciated and valued, now, more than ever!

So BAD Community…I know we have some teachers on here and other parents who must be seeing and feeling the same thing. Let’s brainstorm some thoughtful, impactful gifts for our teachers to hopefully communicate gratitude, maybe bring a smile and little joy to their lives…

Hit me with your best ideas from years past or new ideas in light of COVID in the comments. Thank you!


  • Reply JP |

    I think gift cards, even nominal ones like $10 Starbucks are best. Everyone can use these whenever they want and its the thought that counts. Food items – no, maybe something they don’t need and they probably don’t want homemade craft items really unless you know them. My wife gets several gifts and she likes small gift cards the best.

  • Reply Elizabeth |

    My dad always appreciated when his students got him stuff that they knew he loved – good coffee beans, hot sauces to try from faraway lands, baseball tickets, a bottle of wine or a small case of craft beer (mind you, his students were elementary aged and it was totally normally to send kids to school with alcohol for the teacher. This probably doesn’t translate to high school kids, lol). Gift cards were always much appreciated. Sometimes a few families pitched in for gift cards to nice restaurants which he really loved. Gift cards to book and electronic stores were nice as well.

    I know for a fact most teachers dread homemade treats, and this is going to be even more the case during a pandemic.

  • Reply Walnut |

    Could you put together a Christmas card with a snapshot of your family for each teacher? The kids could put together there lists and where there is overlap, multiple people can write a message in the card. Easy to toss in a small gift card as well.

    This year, more than ever, a note of thank you and acknowledging teachers for going the extra mile will mean a lot.

    • Reply JP |

      Yes! My wife received a small Starbucks card and a little note and it meant so much, so much more than the small dollar value. I bought a few for my daughter to give to her favorite teachers. Some of her teachers spend so much time teaching and grading and most people don’t realize they make so little, sometimes only 40-50K per year. And especially this year when they are risking so much just to be there.

  • Reply Reen |

    I echo JP, small gift cards-you might get creative for where they are for-maybe a local business or coffee shop (supporting small businesses at the same time). If thinking chains (not sure what is near Tiny Town, GA), but Starbucks, Chipotle, Target (my personal favorite), etc. They could be inserted into a handwritten note. You can packs of Holiday/Thank You cards very cheap at the dollar store.

  • Reply Jen |

    In addition to gift cards, you could see if your kid’s teachers have Amazon wishlists for classroom supplies. Most teachers do not receive enough/any money from their districts for classroom supplies, so they often take money out of their own pockets to buy them. Buying from a wishlist puts money back in their pocket, and you know they are getting something they want and will use.

    And even if you are doing remote learning with high school kids, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t still have that expense.

  • Reply Andrea Denny |

    I used to coordinate teacher appreciation gifts, and universally the teachers did not want Starbucks gift cards. They would happily take grocery store or Target or Amazon gift cards, but they said they got so many Starbucks cards and they weren’t useful to them.

  • Reply Stephanie |

    Gift cards! This way, if they can’t use it, then it can be re-gifted (which would help someone on a tight budget.). We often give gift cards to a grocery store or Target/Walmart so the gift card may be used for food, clothing, personal care items or even exchanged for a different gift card.

So, what do you think ?