by Tricia
To say goodbye to 2008, I really wanted to hit our debt hard. Thanks to some things lining up properly, we were able to pay enough towards our debt to get under the $6K mark. Our credit card debt now stands at $5,999. I’m pleased. Very pleased.
I haven’t talked about our budding business recently because for a while there, things went stagnant. I have been busy dealing with family issues (related to a medical issue) so I wasn’t doing my part. I’m not the best at multi-tasking. I prefer to focus on one thing and the business wasn’t the most important thing the past few months. Family comes first. Now that I have my bearings with the family issue, I can get back to the business.
I have very high hopes for 2009. I’m actually very excited for the new year. I think it’s our year to really shine. We should have our credit card debt paid off and if all goes well we may have our highest annual income yet in 2009. Yep, I’m excited!
Hey, I’ve read your blog off and on since 2006 (got it on my bloglines so I read the feed), and just wanted to say congrats on getting so far. That’s pretty awesome that you have paid off over $31,000 in so little time. I have no doubt you’ll be rid of it by year’s end.
happy new year as well.
It seems a lot of PF bloggers have or are in the process of starting their own business. I wish I could do the same!
Congrats – you should be very proud of yourselves!
Happy New Year – may 2009 be a better year for all of us!
Businesses cannot be ignored and allowed to stagnate for a “few months.” That’s a recipe for failure. Customers have the reasonable expectation that your business is open and available to meet their needs. Successful business people must multi-task, even when it is emotionally difficult.
The secret to you getting out of debt and having money to save and invest for the future is increasing your income. Focus on that, and your problem is solved.
congratulations Tricia! I’ve been reqding for quite some time, but not much of a commenter.
Althugh difficult, it is understandable that you need to take time for yourself and your family during difficult times. Sometimes business (and money!) are not the most important things.
To a great 2009!
Congratulations to you! If we could just get folks to learn to save enough money so they didn’t have to finance automobiles that would be a huge step in the right direction. Imagine investing your car payment each month rather that giving it away!!!
“There is Plenty for Everybody”
John Steven Corbin
Ok either you are running a legit business that you want to make money with or you have a hobby. Right now it sounds like a hobby. I understand that family comes first, but if you are running a business you need to make money to take care of said family.
Running a business is not a thing you can do on or off. A hobby is. Create a business plan, have a sales / growth plan and move to execute.
It seems like you do an awful lot around your place. I thought that your husband was taking the lead on the business. Even if you had to focus less energy on the business, it seems like he should have been able to pick up the slack and keep things going. I hope that 2009 has your husband acting like an equal partner in the finances, paid employment, and creating a brighter financial future for your whole family.
JM – my husband has paid employment and he works on the business.
Tricia – what does your ‘budding business’ consist of?
abe – the business has multiple parts and multiple revenue streams. Some are making money right now. Others we have more work to do before they make money. Basically, we are selling various things we have created – some of it is via third party. The business is not traditional in the sense of having a storefront, but one thing we will do is branch out and sell our product to stores.
Da big D – sorry, missed your comment earlier. In the eyes of the IRS, we have a legitimate business since there is taxable profit. So I go with that definition 🙂
Hi, nice blog and congrats that you were able to pay your debts under the $6k. That is really an achievemend and I hope this 2009 you will definitely experience a debt relief.
Good luck to you. Take care always and God bless your family. Stay healthy!