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Medical Expenses and a Debt Update


Medical emergency and expenses

© captainvector, 123RF Free Images

This month, we’ve had a lot of routine medical expenses that have all hit at once. My partner went for an annual physical and had some blood work done, which cost us about $300 after insurance. We both have dental appointments coming up as well. Mine is just a cleaning, but my partner needs a filling and a mouth guard. We just got the financial estimate in the mail and the total co-pay after insurance will probably be $400.

ADHD Medication

We’ve also had to pay for a few new medications this month. I just started Vyvanse to treat my inattentive ADHD. My doctor put me on a very low dose (10mg) so I can get acclimated to it. Luckily my insurance was willing to cover it after a prior authorization, because the full retail price is in the hundreds. I ended up owing $60 out-of-pocket for a 30-day supply.

So far the medication seems to be helping, but I probably need a higher dose. The first day I was on it, I cleaned the majority of my 2,000 square foot house, did a 40-minute workout, and got some writing work done. But over the next few days, my body got used to it and the effects weren’t as pronounced. I’m back to having trouble focusing and feeling spacey. Luckily I have another appointment with my doctor at the beginning of next month, so I can ask about adjusting my dosage then.

Steroidal Inhaler

My partner has been having some lingering breathing problems after a cold and got a new prescription for a steroidal inhaler that’s supposed to help. However, when we arrived at the pharmacy we learned it wouldn’t be covered by insurance if we filled the prescription. The cost was $200 out-of-pocket, so my partner decided to go without it for now and try to get a cheaper alternative. We’re waiting to hear back from the doctor about possibly getting a prescription for a more affordable medication the pharmacist recommended.

If we end up having to splurge on this inhaler, luckily it will only be a one-time thing. My partner has a cheaper rescue inhaler that gets refilled monthly that only costs us about $15. My understanding is that this steroidal inhaler works like a breathing treatment. It helps knock out acute symptoms and brings you back to your baseline, so my partner shouldn’t need any refills.

Medical Emergency

Sadly my partner’s grandmother is also in the hospital for breathing issues. She’s in her eighties, so it was alarming to hear she was unwell.

My partner already booked time off from work this week for our concert in Detroit. Although I offered to change our plans so my partner could fly to Florida to be with her, we decided to stick with our original trip. We just arrived, so hopefully we’ll be still able to enjoy our time here.

My partner hasn’t visited grandma in a while because of the pandemic, so this was definitely a wake-up call that we need to start saving up for and planning a visit. Luckily it seems like it was a minor cardiac event and she’s stable now. But this trip to the ER was a reminder that life is short and you can’t put off visiting loved ones even if you’re trying to save money, or else you may have regrets.

Debt Payoff Update

I thought I’d end this update with happier news. We have a little under $130,000 left on our mortgage now. We were excited to hit the $120s because it feels like we can taste the $100,000 mark! Hitting $129,000 definitely gave us the extra motivation we need to buckle down and get aggressive about paying off debt as we enter the fall and winter season.

It’s much easier to save money during the off-season when all the tourist attractions are closed and we’re buried in snow. So I’m excited to see how much debt we’re able to pay off in the second half of 2023.

How are your debt payoff goals going? Let me know in the comments!

Read More 

The Cost of Covid

Medical Bills Rolling In

My Medical Costs May Be Lower Than Expected

Stuck In A Financial Emergency?  Here Is How To Get Out Of It.


  • Reply Risa Owrey |

    You can get a prescription card for Vyvanse that should work alongside your insurance and would drop the price to $30 per month – the card is good for 12 months and then you get a new one off their website. I have been using one for my son for years – it helps so much! Good luck! https://www.vyvanse.com/coupon

  • Reply Emily N |

    Why are you paying extra on your mortgage while forgoing medical care for your partner? And how’s your car replacement fund coming along? It seems like your priorities are out of whack here. Extra on the mortgage can wait; you have more pressing financial needs to attend to.

    • Reply Laura |

      I agree. Paying extra on the mortgage should only be done after you have enough liquid savings for everything else. It’s a bad idea to have all your money tied up in a house where you can’t get to it if you need it.

    • Reply Walnut |

      I think forgoing medical care is a bit harsh. I’ve certainly declined to fill prescriptions after discovering the price was more than I wanted to spend. A quick chat with my doctor generally yielded different options, which is what Vicky is doing.

      Also, I know most people don’t prioritize paying off a house for many valid reasons, but I’m pretty sure some of her earlier posts dove into the emotional side of this goal.

So, what do you think ?