by Tricia
I decided to take a stroll around the blogosphere today. I’m glad I did! I found some interesting articles to share π
First up, Matt at One Million and Beyond is wondering if you are scared of your money. In a way, I am scared of money when it comes to having lots of it. I’m not sure where that fear came from. Maybe it’s apprehension for how money can change things when you have more of it than you normally do.
Next up is Lazy Man and Money. He took a look at his rent versus buy situation. This was a timely article to read. My husband and I were just talking about this. We didn’t get into the meat of the conversation (he had to go to work), but I was leaning towards rent and he was leaning towards buy. Of course, this is talking about what we should have done since we did purchase our house.
Lastly, Mr. Plasectomy talks about the financial irresponsibility of a parent. It is tough to see anyone we care for be irresponsible with money.
Any idea what happened to JW over at needtobedebtfree? He vanished something like 4 weeks ago; never to be heard of.
I looked at the last entry via google cache; there was no mention of him going off air.
Hi Neil – JW and his family are fine. Unfortunately, some events lead to him having to pull the plug on his blog. But they are okay.
Thanks for the link
Thank you for the link!
I think as a parent, not only is it important to raise your kids to be financially stable, but to make sure you leave them financially stable as well. Check out this article I came across about your money after retirement:
I guess I must of done a good job teaching my sons about money, my oldest who is turning 25 this year, owns his own business, is getting married, and is looking at buying his first home. He has already started investing for his retirement, and is very frugal.
He always talks about the work ethic I instilled him with, as being the key to his success, I do not know but I know I could not be prouder of him!!!
Maybe I’m old-fashioned in this area, but unless taking my parents in would hurt me or my kids in some way, I can’t see myself doing anything else, and I don’t care how responsible or irresponsible they are. I wouldn’t be here if not for them. I can’t see forcing them onto the streets by my refusal to help.
Financial irresponsibility is a big problem but I think I’d get myself a safe and put all my important documents in it and hope that’s enough–family is family, and I help family when I can.