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House Under Contract


On the evening of Monday, February 24, the house went under contract. Anticipated closing is the end of March. I’m not going to share more until we get through appraisal and inspection.

house under contract

This has altered my plans again.

  1. There is a buyer’s agent involved, but no seller’s agent. Because this all happened prior to March 1 when I was going to pass the house off to an agent, it is going through as FSBO. The lawyer who has always handled my family’s affairs here is handling the sale. (And yes, I do have to pay him.) I am also paying the buyer’s agent 3% which I advertised when I created the listing on both Facebook and Zillow.
  2. Instead of spending a month in Texas, I will be staying two weeks, then returning to Georgia pending the closing date.

Post House Sale Plans

If all goes well and as planned, the house will close by the end of March. That leaves me at loose ends the month of April. The family is all planning to be in Georgia for the first week of May for Princess’ college graduation, a family weekend, Princess’ 21st birthday, and Mother’s Day. And by family I mean all 5 of my kids plus some of my immediate family from Texas.


I won’t make any firm decisions or plans until I know the house will close as scheduled. But I am reviewing options so I am ready.

  1. Beauty and her fiancé have a home with a guest room that they have invited me to stay for a while.
  2. Princess has an apartment (couch) where I could stay for a few days, probably week max. I will most likely stay here the week directly after closing since we have appointments together that week.
  3. Return to Texas for the month.
  4. Roadtrip!

Exciting things ahead!


Buyer pulled out March 4th via email from their real estate agent. The due diligence period was through March 7th. No reason was given. (I believe it had to do with their financing as they were getting a 100% finance loan.)

It definitely through me for a loop mentally. After giving myself a couple of days to process. I’ve decided to return to GA at the end of this two week period, and decide what to do then. I need a break from thinking about the house.  So it will sent empty. And I will focus on work and finding more work. And spending some quality time with my family.


  • Reply Malady |

    Hope, is this the sign from God that you were looking for, that you should not sell this house? All of BAD was saying don’t do it, and you said yourself in earlier posts that if it doesn’t sell its your sign. Are you seeing the sign?
    I haven’t visited the site for a long time… maybe a year or two… and you don’t seem to have progressed much at all with your debt… I worry for you that your health isn’t great, and you’re getting older, alone, and you still have this mountain of debt, very little stability in your work, and the only thing that has helped you GET stable (your house) you now seem set on selling. Moving from stability to living in your car or worse, with no way back into the housing market is GENUINELY INSANE at your stage of life. It makes not sense at all and I don’t understand why you would ever make that choice.
    I have been rooting for you since day one Hope, but I do not understand this at all.

  • Reply AS |

    Sorry this fell through, but it’s all very confusing:

    You say the house was under contract from Feb 24, until Mar 4 when it fell through. But around Feb 27 you said the house was going to be taken over by an agent on Feb 28.

    You said the house was too much, you were counting on it selling to be out of debt, and now less than a week later you are already going back and letting it sit empty. What happened to the agent? You were going to give them 3 months to sell it and it’s been only a week.

    You were going to live in Texas for a month, and longer, and figure out your new plan. But now you’re leaving Texas by March 15 and doesn’t seem like you’re going back. Did something happen with Mom, or Dad?

    Meanwhile you have nearly $16K of credit card debt now, including around $7,000 of new debt, but it’s unclear where the money went. And you are maxed out on your credit cards, so on the verge of missing payments.

    It’s just very confusing. Can’t help but think you are holding information back.

    I urge you to think about why you’re writing for this blog. What is it that you want from here — support, advice, etc? And how can readers give that to you when they don’t have the full picture?

    • Reply Hope |

      I can see how it would be confusing. I’ll write a synopsis to clarity where things stand now.

  • Reply Laura |

    Have you hired a realtor yet? They can really help with marketing and also get feedback from the buyers agent when they do showings. If you are serious about selling, you need to hire a realtor. If you are already willing to pay 3% to buyers that’s only an extra 3% to sellers agent to have someone take care of all this for you. I’m afraid you are sabotaging this sale to save a commission.

So, what do you think ?