by Tricia
I’ve actually been on a trip since Thursday of last week. Thanks to the availability of the internet, I have been able to pop in here and there to write a quick post and to see how things are going. I would have mentioned it on here, but I was a little worried about making it public that our house would be vacant. I am the first one to admit that I am a worry-wart sometimes. Ok…most of the time 🙂
I have lots to write about in regards to all of the money we spent (we did splurge on a few things). I also have a few tips to give on saving money during trips. I hope when all of the spending is recorded we will have some money left over to go towards our debt before the end of the month. It is very difficult to keep a running tally of our spending while on a trip – so I am hoping to come close to what we budgeted. I have a feeling we went over, though.
This trip was also the stressful event that I referenced when I’ve discussed quitting smoking. Driving and smoking go hand and hand with me, and we logged almost 1,300 miles the past six days. Now that it is over…well, I have no more excuses for not trying to kick the habit. I am giving myself a few days to get back into a normal routine and then give it my best shot.
Since I am very curious to see how much we spent on the trip, I will wait until tomorrow to write more about the trip itself.
It feels really good to be home, safe and sound.
So, what do you think ?