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$10 Special Offer for Sonicare Elite or Sonicare Essence Toothbrush


I’m a BzzAgent through BzzAgent.com. I sometimes get products to try and what they hopes happen is that I like the product and talk about it. Well, I just got a free Sonicare Essence toothbrush from them to try.

I have to say…I would have never spent the money on a $65.00 (and up) toothbrush. Now that I have tried one, I see what I have been missing. I went out yesterday and bought replacement heads (2 for $27.00) so my husband can use it as well. Our grooming costs will go up, but hopefully dental visits will go down πŸ˜‰

Now, the special offer part…

I have four three two one zero (UPDATE 12/02/06 – they have all been spoken for) $10.00 rebate forms available for the purchase of any Sonicare Elite or Sonicare Essence toothbrush. It must be postmarked no later than 01/31/2007 and they do not accept PO Box addresses.

If you’d like one, just email me with your address and I will send it out to you (no charge). Since I only have four three two one, it’s first come…first served. Your address will only be used for the purpose of sending you the rebate form.

I hope I can share more money-saving goodies like this in the future. πŸ˜‰


  • Reply Tricia |

    Sorry, Karen, but I do not have any more forms. I sent you an email with another place to try.

  • Reply AlexM |

    I found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you down the road!

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