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Home Sweet Home, Trip Complete – Hope


We will arrive home today. We’ve been on the road for exactly two weeks. On my last travel update we had just arrived at the Lakehouse where we would stay til the end.

I don’t have all the exact numbers put together yet, but here’s how it went in general to give you an overview:

  • Gas – 6 tanks of gas at approx $80 a piece = $480 (includes 3 trips to TN and 2 to GA due to the camps)
  • Hotel – 3 nights = $300 (had only budgeted for 2 so this put me over a bit)
  • Groceries – $65 (additional $55 gift card spent that I had been saving for this occasion)

Total cost of two week vacation = $845

I can write off some of this as it would have fallen into my regular budget $300 for two weeks of groceries and $160 for weekly gas money.  So with that in mind, the cost of this trip was around $385 over our normal budget.

I look at that number with my debt payoff in mind and think would be a nice payment towards debt, but then I think about all the intrinsic payoffs:

  1. Two of the boys got to attend specialty camps that they are committed to pursuing at this time. (I didn’t count this in the expense for the vacation because 1) it comes out of a monthly budget line item and 2) was paid for in previous months.)
  2. We got a nice long relaxing visit with my parents who visited the Lakehouse at the same time from TX.
  3. It’s just relaxing to be away from home and not have your day to day to do lists hanging over your head.
  4. The kids had some quality time together away from distractions from the world.

For the next two weeks no one has any extraneous activities and then we will start additional summer activities which will carry us through August, more on those later, but for now I am satisfied that this money was well spent and the memories made will last a lifetime!


  • Reply TENN |

    Welcome Home! It sometimes takes me a day or so to get back into my pre-vacation routines, including eating at home. One thing that works for me is to write a grocery list before I leave; so I can just head to the grocery store when I get home.

  • Reply Joe |

    Sounds like a fun trip! Your numbers are great; we can’t even leave the state without spending what you spent for the whole two weeks!

  • Reply Dussel_Brad! |

    So how is the feeling of getting back to home after a fun trip? I am sure it is relaxing, soothing and comfortable. Life may be a journey without any particular destination but home is where the heart reside 🙂

  • Reply Shoeaholicnomore |

    It may sound like a lot of money, but I think you used it well. That long of a trip with that many people and only about $845, that’s awsome! Great job Hope 🙂

  • Reply Mary from SC |

    Hi Hope – I missed your posting today. I hope everything is okay. Looking forward to hearing your updates.

So, what do you think ?