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Hope’s Planned Spending – September, 2024


I do plan to post my actual spend at the end of the month. (You can find this month’s plan here.)  But thought I would go ahead and share September’s planned spending.

DateCategory/PayeeAnticipated Amount
09-01-2024Groceries / Hygiene / Dogs / Gas-500
09-02-2024Auto Insurance-1346
09-02-2024Amazon CC-1391
09-03-2024Taxes, SS, Medicare (30%)-2550
09-03-2024TX to 9026-350
09-03-2024TX to Savings-790
09-03-2024TX to TRV SAV 1387-500
09-04-2024City Utilities - varies-150
09-05-2024Princess rent for Oct-750
09-09-2024Electric - varies-250
09-20-2024Frontier CC-130
09-20-2024Kids' Contributions1215

Debt Payment Goal

You will see the current plan is to pay the Amazon CC off in its entirety. So far the votes on that post are pretty consistent. But I am watching to see if anything changes. Assuming that happens. I will have paid off and closed three credits cards and two personal loans since February.

Helping Princess

You will also note that I expect to contribute $750 towards Princess’ October rent next month. Her internship ended last week and despite numerous applications, she does not yet have a job for this semester/school year. I’m certain she will but it hasn’t happened yet.

Travel Savings

There’s is nothing unexpected here. I won’t dive into my savings again especially on the travel side since we do have a Thanksgiving in Texas trip planned. I want to make sure that trip is covered by cash. By November, I should have $1,688 saved in my travel fund which should be plenty for that trip. (I used all of my personal savings and the bulk of my August travel savings to pay off one of my credit cards.)

Full Disclosure

At the time of this writing, I’ve been having this ongoing urge to head to Texas in September for a couple of weeks. I don’t know if this is my typical “just go somewhere” bug, worry about my parents, or just a premonition that it’s getting closer to the end for my mom. (For those new here: My mom has Parkinson’s and is bed-ridden, unresponsive, and requires 24 hour care. The only body function she still controls is her swallow and my family is reporting that she is less and less inclined to eat. Which is to be expected at this stage.)

My dad’s health has been suffering as well with recent surgery and living with consistent, undiagnosed pain for almost a year now. I’m sure that’s also tied to the stress and hardship of being my mom’s primary caregiver.

I just feel like I need to go and stay a while and help. Or be there. Or something.

I’m not committed to it. I haven’t mentioned it to them (my dad would make it happen in a minute if I did.) But it is a pretty consistent mental nudge.

If I do, do it, I will drive and take a dog. Assuming Beauty is still living at home (that’s a whole other story,) she would keep the other two dogs. I really don’t know what I will do. I don’t WANT to go, but I also do. Does that make sense?

I appreciate that I have a job and now the freedom from parenting to be able to make a last minute move like this should it come down to it. I will keep you posted.


Hope’s Debt Update – August, 2025


Before I post this table, here’s what’s happened with the USAA credit card. You will see it’s much higher than normal. For the past several months, I have paid the amount for our phones and car insurance on this credit card, posted my debt update and then those bills come off this card. I would pay it at the beginning of the month, then wait for the next statement date, then pay bills with it. (Actually they are auto-paid, no extra fees for using credit card. Yes, I earn points. Which we all know I use when I travel.)

I would post my debt update in the in-between time. And not only did I do this to show the debt coming down, even though it went right back up, but moreso, I did this to help my credit score. Because waiting until after the next statement date, when they report to the credit bureaus helped my credit score.

But now…now I don’t give a flying flip about my credit score. I just want this debt to be gone. So I paid the CC by the due date and then immediately paid my insurance and phone bills versus waiting. That’s why that CC is higher. I’m still doing the same thing, just not delaying in paying the bills any longer.

Debt DescriptionOctober, 2023 TotalInterest RateMinimum PaymentCurrent TotalPayoff Date (Est)
CC - Amazon$1,49729.99%$48$1,391? September, 2024?
CC - Frontier$3,85729.99%$130$3,426? November, 2024?
Dad - New Furnace$2,6000%$0$2,600
January, 2025
CC - USAA$5,00019.15%$135$4,761
Student Loans$22,1212.875%$22,700In Deferrment until May, 2025
CC - Apple**$500Paid off every month$0
CC - AMEX$89429.24%$0$0Mar, 2024
CC - Sams$1,10629.99%$0$0April, 2024
Personal Loan #1$2,5000%$0$0July, 2024
Personal Loan #2$2,5000%$0$0August, 2024
CC - Wander$1,63029.24%$0$0August, 2024

I already shared about my unplanned CC payoff here and that my second personal loan was also paid off this month.

I’ve called and closed those first two credit cards that were at a $0 balance. I’m sure that’s going to ding my credit score. But on the flip side, those were my newest cards, I think. So may help eventually since my oldest credit average should increase. Again, I think. But really, not tracking my credit score at all these days. No foreseeable need.