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Saving Money on Dog Food


I’ve removed social media from my phone. I found myself just spending way to much time scrolling. And I have plenty of other things to do around here. But I’m still on it 3-4 times a week for work. And it was during this time, I saw an announcement that someone opened a butcher shop downtown. (Really any new business around here is exciting, especially if we don’t already have one!)

But I had a brainstorm. Now that I’m back to making my dogs’ food, perhaps I could get a deal on meat at this new butcher. Currently, I go to our local Quality Food and buy all the weird cheap meat – turkey necks, pigs feet, chicken leg quarters, etc. And buy their soup bones to make bone broth. Then I add in veggies (some frozen, some from my garden), brown rice, and/or kidney beans. Etc. It is truly much more healthy and so economical. But the meat cost does add up.

Farmer and Butcher inside store

Image from their Facebook page

This week, I wandered into this new butcher shop and inquired about meat for dog food. Holy cow, I got about 100 lbs of meet for $40. And it’s good stuff…lamb, steak, etc. And he’s agreed to sell me his “scraps” every week going forward. We exchanged numbers and I walked out of there with two large, heavy bags of meat scraps.

My dogs eat a mixture of raw and cooked foods. While most of this haul went in the freezer, I cooked up a bunch of lamb with kidney beans, sweet potatoes, and water plus turmeric and parsley in the crockpot. That will last the rest of this week. (It doesn’t look for smell good to me, but the dogs LOVE it!) And I’ll be packing up individual meals in freezer bags with meals to send with Princess when Jake goes to live with her. Sophie will most likely return to kibble when she moves to Virginia in July.

With no more big family to cook for and time on my hands, I am enjoying returning to preparing my dog’s food from scratch. (I do still wish I could make it a side hustle, but after looking at the regulations, it’s just too much.)


Making sure Princess Senior Year is Covered


I’m sure many of the BAD followers slapped their foreheads and cringed when they read that I had prioritized helping Princess with her senior year of college. I know, I know.

But I have too. I have to help her.

A little back story

When Princess started college, I told her, I would cover her first year and then she was on her own. Now if you aren’t a Georgia resident, you may not know that they have two grant programs called Hope and Zell Miller. They are a BIG reason why we moved here versus other states when we moved. Essentially, if a student graduates from a Georgia high school, even homeschooled, and maintains a certain GPA, the grant covers their tuitions for higher education and/or trade schools. I wanted all of the kids to have the opportunity to further their education without debt. These grants were key to that as a single mom of five kids.

Princess and Hope last week in Texas

So we did it. First year, I paid for living expenses, books, and even provided spending money. (She contributed by saving from the time she started working at 15.)

Since then, she’s covered all costs alone. All of them! And it has been so hard for her. And so inspiring to watch. I am in total awe of her. (My dad says she gets her grit and drive from me, but she is so, so much more determined and committed than I think I ever was.)

Housing Debacle

One of the biggest challenges has been housing. She’s been living in a 5×5 for the last two years. Five rooms, five roommates. And none of them has to work or really be responsible. Princess gets up every AM and heads to work, then school, and then nights and weekends running an on campus investment club. I mean, she is killing it. But with all her roommates living the glamorized college experience with parties and such this year has been very, very tough, no quiet to sleep or study, etc.. You get the picture. (I’m not knocking her roommates, she just needs a different environment.)

So this year, she was going to move out. And long story short, her two roommate options fell through. Now she needs to move, doesn’t have a place to move too, and is stress to no end because living in ATL solo is expensive. And with today’s world, a random roommate, well, neither of us is comfortable with that.

Position to Help

Thankfully, I am in the position to help. So we went apartment shopping together a couple of weeks ago before she flew out to start her summer internship. And I have committed to paying the difference from what she paid the last two years and the new place until she graduates next May. (She will graduate with her Bachelors before she turns 21 years old!)

She will get out of college with $0 in debt. And she knows the value of hardwork and money. I just want to make this last year a little bit easier on her. Once we get everything settled, I will fill in more details on what that is going to look like financially.