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February Goals


I am not making enough to cover my monthly bills. And my reserve cash will be exhausted after covering February bills. So while I do have some cash flow starting up…it’s a trickle, things are going to be really tight this month. And that is okay.

Last week, I made just over $200 on Upwork with my 3 new small contracts. I’m grateful, it’s better than nothing.

But there will most likely, most definitely, be credit card debt added this month unless I get one of these bigger contracts or the full time job, which would turn things around very quickly. Praying something comes through!

In the Meantime

This month, my number one goal is to get the house on the market. So that is going to require not only some serious manual labor, but also some money. Here are my current thoughts:

  1. Keep selling things I am not planning to keep. My sectional couch and rugs sold at the end of last week. I’m listing things on Facebook Marketplace almost daily. I am hoarding this cash for now in preparation for March bills.couch and rugs sold on Facebook Marketplace last week
  2. Moving everything I plan to keep and don’t need to live to storage this weekend. (Storage costs $79 per month.)
  3. Packing things that I need to: a) take to Texas to leave there, b) ship to a kid, c) find space in my car for the next phase of life.
  4. Making a list – room by room – of what MUST be done to put the house on the market + a list of supplies I need to get those items completed.
  5. Reviewing what I have here to complete the tasks identified in #2 (paint, putty, plastic/cardboard, etc.) and making a list of what I need to either borrow, rent or purchase.
  6. Prioritizing list and blocking time on a daily basis to get things started.
  7. Borrow and purchase items I need. Right away, I know I am going to borrow a shop vac, must purchase poly and such to refinish floors, and will have to plan to rent an orbital sander for at least 1/2 day (Home Depot has them for $55 for 4 hours, I think I can make that work.) I am guesstimating that the supply cost for refinishing the floors is going to end up being around $600-700. But I’ll get back to you how far off I am.
  8. Continue to spend a 1/2 to an hour a day looking for work and being very intentional with that until I get enough steady income to pay basic bills. Goal is to get to at least $6K per month to start.

Mental Health Improved

Having no one else to “care” for during this lean time and having decisions made has put me in a much better headspace than I have been in a LONG time.

I am looking forward to what ever adventure comes next. And staying very positive despite feeling a bit overwhelmed at the amount of manual labor this month…refinishing these hardwood floors is going to be a beast, especially the prep work.

However, I know I will learn a lot, save some money, and it’s one of those things that will take the house to the next level as far as selling it. (And if I do end up staying…I would have done this eventually anyways.)

The Plan


It’s the last day of the first month of 2025. I completed my first No Spend Month of the calendar year without going over my “budget” although it didn’t get spent the way I had planned.

Instead of groceries, I purchase meds and flowers. I was so sick for the majority of the month, that the food I did have, well, it’s most all still here.

That being said, despite being sick, this has been one of the most pleasant months I have had in a very long time. I had a lot of down time. I read a lot. I thought about what I want a lot. I slept a lot.

And I didn’t have to worry about anyone else.

The Plan

I have decided to sell my house. But I have also decided to do the work that I need to do to sell it myself. This includes touch up paint through out and refinishing the hardwood floors.

I will use a real estate agent. And my goal is to complete the work and be out of the house be the end of February.

For now, my things will remain in storage here in Georgia. I will head to my parents while the house goes on the market. All of the realtors I have interview are confident based on market, comps, and condition of house that it should be under contract the first couple of weeks.

If that’s the case, I will return from my parents before closing, complete the clearing of the house. And then decide where to go based on timing.

If it’s not under contract in the 2-3 weeks I plan to be at my parents, I will re-evaluate the plan.

Full transparency, I am still on the fence as to whether I am to stay here or go somewhere. I know the job market will be better elsewhere, there is no doubt about that. But the cost of living will be higher and the chances of me being able to afford to purchase again…iffy unless I get back into the corporate world.

This plan is 100% taking a step in faith and asking God to direct my steps. I’ve been praying for several years for clear direction, and frankly, I do not have it. So rather than waiting on God to appear in a dream. Boy, wouldn’t that be nice. I am taking steps and praying he will guide them as he did with Paul and Barnabas in Acts.

If the house doesn’t sell quickly and for the amount we are anticipating, I stay. If it does, I go. Just not sure where yet…


I am down to two dogs, that will remain with me. I will share Opie’s story at a later date, but rest assured it’s a God story all the way through. (Jake will be moving to Texas with Gymnast next time I go.)


I am working very hard to rebuild my reputation online as a digital marketing/technologist and have secured 3 contracts already with several others looking like they will close in February.

I am also on round two for a full time corporate job – pray for that. My 2nd interview is tonight.

I realize the house sale is not the best financial decision. But it will take an enormous burden off as far as debt goes. And I am truly, truly open to going wherever and doing pretty much whatever at this point. So leaning in and trusting God’s plan because I do not have one.

And I always love a good adventure!