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The Holiday Season Is Here, and I’m Already Dreaming of 2025


Thanksgiving came and went in a flurry of food, laughter, and cherished moments, and just like that, the holiday season is officially here. All of my kids and I converged in Texas at my parents at the same time for a whole week. Last Christmas, they all came home, but there was only a 24 hour overlap when everyone was together. My four older kids departed yesterday to return home and back to reality.

There’s just something magical about this time of year when the air feels a little crisper (even in Texas), the days seem shorter, and everything sparkles just a bit brighter. And being with my parents, siblings, and my kids…so grateful!

Hope's family photo - November 2024

The family gathered around my mom. We take no moments for granted. And my sister is the queen of keeping all our gatherings documented.

Catching up with the kids

I was able to get some alone time with each of the kids and have meaningful conversations—conversations that will linger in my heart, gave me pause, and will definitely be revisited over time. I could feel their love, their struggles, their hopes. As a mom, there’s no better gift than truly connecting with your kids and knowing they’re growing into their own lives while still valuing and relying on the family bond we share. And I’m already looking forward to next May when we plan to be together again for a family weekend and Princess college graduation.

Hope's family volleyball pic

A family volleyball game is a tradition we never pass up. We play boys vs girls, old vs young, and random. It’s always a grand adventure.

The twins are juggling their own unique adventures, and it was fun to hear their stories and aspirations. Gymnast is thriving in his pursuits, and he’ll come to Georgia for a week in January. Beauty, my eldest daughter—now engaged—shared updates about wedding ideas and how she’s already stressed about it…so many decisions. And Princess is headed home for finals week. One more semester til graduation! It’s surreal to watch your kids evolve into adults with dreams and responsibilities of their own, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Looking forward to 2025

As we transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas, my mind is already skipping ahead to 2025. Maybe it’s the planner in me, but I can’t help thinking about how much potential a new year holds. Big plans are brewing for my family, my business, and my personal growth. 2025 feels like it’s going to be the year, and I know that success doesn’t just happen—it takes preparation.

That preparation starts now.

For me, it’s about setting goals that align with my values and priorities. It’s about deciding what I want my life to look like a year from now and making a plan to get there. Refining my business strategies, fostering deeper relationships with my kids, and taking better care of myself physically and emotionally, every decision I make today is a step toward the future I envision.

The holiday season is a perfect reminder of the balance between reflection and anticipation. As I deck the halls and check items off my Christmas shopping list (thank you, $5 bill savings jar!), I’m also carving out time to reflect on what went well this year and what I want to improve.

So here’s to the holiday season and all the joy it brings. Here’s to good food, good company, and those quiet moments when you can step back and marvel at the beauty of it all. But most of all, here’s to dreaming big for 2025 and starting now to make it a reality.

The holidays may be in full swing, but my heart and mind are already looking forward—because the best is yet to come.

The Christmas Budget is…


As any long term BAD reader knows, I love to gamify finances. It keeps me motivated. And this year was no different.

I decided earlier in the year that my Christmas budget would depend wholly on my $5 bill challenge. I’ve been doing this $5 game for several years. And each year has been different. Here’s how I spent them back in 2022.

As we prepared to head to Texas this past week, I broke out my bucket and counted out my stash!

Drumroll please….this year, I have $215 to spend on Christmas.

Making It Stretch

Since I want to make it stretch as far as I can and provide gifts for my parents, siblings, and my kids, I’m going to have to get creative. And frankly, it’s been a long time since I got creative. Time to create my own Santa’s Workshop for the season.

santa clause ornament

Back in the day, I was an avid scrapbooker, but got rid of my stash a few years ago when I purged most of my homeschool supplies. So I don’t want to break the bank on supplies either.

A few weeks ago, Princess and I attended the local Harvest Fest where creators and crafters display their wares for sale. I was so inspired. And have a few ideas that I think I can pull off well.

Homemade and Personalized

I’m not going to share my ideas here yet as I believe some of my friends and family read here and I don’t want to give it away. But the goal is to create practical gifts that are personalized and don’t break the bank. The supplies I’m thinking are:

  • Boxes – shoe boxes, cigar boxes (I recently received 1/2 dozen of these for free from someone who knew my grandfather), small amazon boxes
  • Modge Podge – I can get a big bottle for less than $5 at a craft store. I am making a comprehensive list before I go so I don’t go overboard.
  • Paint – If I stick to just a couple of colors, I can buy big bottles and hopefully not have much left over that I have to store.
  • Clothespins – Great for creating personalize gift holding a picture or notecard. And with a magnet attached, they become handy as chip clips or refrigerator decorations.
  • Sharpies – thankfully, I have these in abundance, so no purchase necessary. Great to write on a variety of surfaces.
  • Construction paper – I have lots of coloring supplies, books, crayons, pencils, etc. Mounting a colored item on construction paper just ups the presentation a bit. And by coloring or drawing something, it allows me to deliver a very personal message or wish for the person I give it too.
  • Magnets – I don’t think a bag of adhesive backed magnets won’t break the bank. And allow me to turn my clothespins into an easy to use display.

I am looking forward to some music filled, candles burning, hot chocolate by my side, in my pjs, craft time at my kitchen table.

The goal is to create gifts for 15+ people with this budget. Challenge accepted!

Pictures to come.