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A New Ceiling


The final cost…$1,000 for a new kitchen ceiling. So worth it! Why didn’t I do this sooner?

kitchen ceiling before remodel in Dec 2024

You can see the patches and outline of the old kitchen on the ceiling

It took a few short hours for the contractor to cover it. There was no “damage”, it was truly a cosmetic fix only. The patches in the ceiling are where the electric ran through previously to the stove that was in the middle of the floor.

Falling in Love All Over Again

My open concept kitchen with plenty of room for several cooks and multiple work stations brings joy every time I work in it. I feel truly blessed to have gotten to create a space and a home that is truly built for for what I hold dear. I do agree with commentors that the yellow is a bit much. But I dreamt of a yellow kitchen for years.

And now it has a beautiful, “farm house” style ceiling to match.

new ceiling installed Dec, 2024

My new farmhouse style kitchen ceiling (and there is a new light over the dining space as well)

While the main motivation for getting to work on some lingering house projects is the real possibility of my decision to sell the house sometime in 2025. And the priorities come from the realtor’s observations and suggestions. I cannot say that I am not falling in love all over again with my home.

I always thought what a shame it was that my parents spent all the time and money to improve their home before they moved from Virginia and never enjoyed it. While I certainly lean toward selling most days, that decision is certainly not firmed up yet. And I will most definitely enjoy the improvements for as long as I am here.

Next up…refinishing my small stick original pine floors. I cannot wait to see the finish project.

How I will Finish the Year


How will you finish out the year? Will you spend it celebrating all the wins of the year? Wallowing in the loss? Or are you already forward facing? Ready to leave 2024 in the past and step into what is to come?

For me, I am slowing down this year. Being very intentional about where I allow my mind to linger.
end the year slowly quote

While I may never be able to stop my mind from racing, from making lists, from looking far into the future and attempting to make plans. I can choose different. And this year, I am choosing to slow down this month.

Christmas is different this year. I’ve made no plans, set no expectations, and plan to take the day as it comes.

Since I’ve returned from Texas, I am taking each day as it comes. Trying to sit on decisions and evaluating all options. Not rushing or being ruled by emotions. Nor fear.

The Last Few Years were…

2023 was spent wading through grief and loss. It felt like I was tossed from crisis to loss and then back again, over and over again.

2024 has been spent making strides to regain my equilibrium and rolling around ideas for my future. And the transition to empty nester was complete.

2025 is going to be the year that I make decisions about what this next phase of life will be. I must be wise. And I must not rush.

And that is my focus for this last month of the year. I am going to be still. Be quiet. Be alone. And spend time seeking God’s will, determining what is best and healthiest for me, and perhaps, finding a purpose that I can turn my eye too. I truly do need something outside of my own head to focus on. But I have absolutely no idea what that is to be.

My wish for you these last two weeks – peace, joy, and a gentle ending to the year.