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Finding Frugal Joy: Puzzles, Legos, and Christmas Movies as Budget-Friendly Entertainment


Living alone has its benefits, but it also comes with the constant temptation to spend money just to break the quiet. A quick coffee run here, an online purchase there – it adds up quickly. I’ve been working on finding ways to occupy my mind without spending on unnecessary extras. After some trial and error, I’ve settled on three budget-friendly pastimes that are saving my wallet and giving my mind something engaging to do: puzzles, Legos, and Christmas movies.

Puzzles: Mindful Focus Without the Extra Cost

Puzzles are, hands down, one of the best ways I’ve found to keep myself entertained without a single dollar spent after the initial purchase. We’ve done puzzles as a family since the kids were little, little. I’ve even taken puzzles on our roadtrips. We have done them in hotels. Puzzles are a family favorite.  We do them, then we donate them. And I can typically pick them up for $5-8. And always have 1-2 in the board game closet. I pulled this one out when I got back from Texas.

Puzzles give me something to focus on, piece by piece, and keep my mind active and absorbed. Plus, each puzzle stretches out for hours or even days, depending on my pace, which means it’s an investment in entertainment that lasts far longer than a one-time outing. When I’m puzzling, I don’t feel the itch to spend because my mind is too occupied to even think about shopping. Win-win.

legos and puzzles

Legos: A Creative Outlet That’s Surprisingly Affordable

Rediscovering Legos as an adult has been one of the best surprises in my quest for frugal entertainment. It started when my daughter’s boyfriend gave her a Lego flower bouquet. I thought it was so cute! And now I’ve got my own. I anticipate that after the hours I spend building and then admiring the end result. It’s a way to scratch that creative itch and stay busy without looking for distractions online. The act of building with my hands keeps me from looking for other ways to pass the time that could easily turn into impulse spending. And it’s really been working. (I realized yesterday that I haven’t had to get gas since returning from Texas.)

Christmas Movies: Cozy Entertainment at No Extra Cost

I’ve always loved Christmas movies, but now they’re more than just a tradition; they’re my go-to for affordable relaxation. I pull up the options, settle in with some tea and a blanket, and instantly feel that cozy holiday spirit. It’s an ideal way to pass the time without adding to my expenses. It’s amazing how much this cozy ritual calms the urge to browse online when I’m alone.

Protecting my Wallet…and my Sanity

Each of these activities keeps my mind engaged, my hands busy, and my wallet safe. Finding frugal joy in puzzles, Legos, and Christmas movies has been the perfect way to entertain myself without the usual spending pitfalls. They’re not just pastimes; they’re my defense against unnecessary spending and my go-to mental escapes. So, for now, I’ll happily settle in with my puzzle pieces, a stack of Lego bricks, and a holiday film queued up – because sometimes, simple, budget-friendly pleasures are exactly what we need.

Sidenote: One nice thing about living alone now is that I can leave them out on my kitchen table for days, weeks, even months without bothering anyone or prohibiting anything like a family dinner. How do you entertain yourself on a budget?

Hope’s Debt Update – November, 2024


Last month was a wash since I paid off a credit card, but then turned around and used it for Princess’ wisdom teeth extraction.

However, this month, we are getting back on track.

Debt DescriptionOctober, 2023 TotalInterest RateMinimum PaymentCurrent TotalPayoff Date (Est)
CC - Frontier$3,85729.99%$130$2,718December, 2024
Dad - New Furnace$2,6000%$0$2,600
January, 2025
CC - USAA$5,00019.15%$135$2,723March, 2025
Student Loans$22,1212.875%deferrment$22,850September, 2025?
CC - Apple**$500Paid off every month$0
CC - AMEX$89429.24%$0$0Mar, 2024 - Closed
CC - Sams$1,10629.99%$0$0April, 2024
Personal Loan #1$2,5000%$0$0July, 2024
Personal Loan #2$2,5000%$0$0August, 2024
CC - Wander$1,63029.24%$0$0August, 2024 - Closed
CC - Amazon$1,49729.99%$0$0September, 2024

After paying all the monthly obligations (bills plus transfers to savings, investments) and debt payments, I have $586 left. I’m anticipating that will cover the Texas trip. This will allow my savings to remain in tact which gives me a great deal of comfort.

Christmas on the Brain

I am already struggling with the idea of Christmas. This next week I will break out the remaining $5 for my Christmas budget and figure out how to use it. Thankfully, the kids are all great and I know they will be thrilled with anything. I truly do have great kids. The goal is to have Christmas done especially for the 3 boys and Texas family so I can avoid any shipping charges. Crossing my fingers. I’ve got to weeks to wrap it up.

Next Milestone Goal

I anticipate that my next credit card will be paid off in January at latest. The Frontier card, that is. Then I have to decide whether to focus on the final CC or pay off my dad. I feel like it should be my final personal loan. But my dad has made it clear that he is fine waiting. So I’m leaning toward the credit card. No promises, but I am sticking with the plan of paying off the credit card debt first.

I’ve also got to re-evaluate my tax plan for the new year since my annual income will be significantly higher than this year. (I’m also hoping for a bonus this year. Can’t plan for it, but I’m hoping.)