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This is Where It Began – A Watch, A Big City, and A Credit Card


I moved to Chicago in 1996. I had just completed by Bachelor’s degree and was moving to Chicago to save the world. Ha! My plan was to work with gangland kids as a licensed social worker.

My rent was $350. I didn’t have any debt. I didn’t have any credit cards. And I didn’t have a car. In fact, I left my car in Texas for my parents to sell.

I was completely ignorant of finances. I mean, I had grown up with a checking account. But credit score, no clue. Credit cards, no clue. Loans, no clue. I was really ignorant about the bigger world of money and debt and such.

And then I walked by a table somewhere and I’m sure they were offering something for free. And I signed up for my very first credit card.

This was my first purchase… (There was one more that I remember…a Coach backpack purse. I loved that bag! But I had no idea what Coach was. I had never been a name brand girl. And frankly, I’m still not, even though I do know what they are now.)

Hope's first CC purchase, a Seiko watch

If memory serves, this watch cost me $300? Don’t quote me, it has been almost three decades since I made this purchase.

During my continuous clean out and purge, I found it a few weeks ago. Along with a couple of other nice watches I obtained since then.

I went to Walmart to try to get new batteries in all three. But they wouldn’t do anything with them due to the price point, I guess. They referred me to a jeweler to replace them. For $42, I got three new watch batteries. And now, I’m wearing my 28 year old purchase, and my daughter’s will each have a nice watch.

Several months ago, I was able to sell my engagement ring. (I couldn’t find the post about it.) But I had tried pawn shops, jewelers, and finally Facebook Marketplace to sell my “real” jewelry. I was shocked at how little these supposed valuable pieces were worth. But for now, I will keep this watch. I haven’t worn a watch for years. And I will enjoy it. It brings back the memories of some of the best times of my early adult life. I LOVE Chicago.

But it will also be a reminder of what not to do financially ever, ever again! No MORE CREDIT CARD debt!

Sidenote: Before you bring up unexpected spending, etc. this money came from my Christmas saving – cash bucket. I figured these are perfect gifts for the girls.

Personal Loan #2 – Poof Be Gone


I’m sure you were all wondering with my last update about the emotional credit card payment, what happened to paying off the personal loans first?

I paid Personal Loan #1 off last month. And I planned to pay off the second Personal Loan this month…and I have, mostly.

So here’s what had happened? (Yes, that grammatical weirdness was intentional, don’t come for me.)

As soon as I got paid this month, I started making payments, transferring money where it was to go, etc. And suddenly, I hit my daily limit. Thanks, Zelle!

zelle logo

Ok, I’ll wait til tomorrow to continue.

And the next day I hit my weekly limit. Again, thanks Zelle.

So I’ve transferred all I can with Zelle (no fees for anyone) to where it needs to go…and now have to wait 7 days for my limit to be reset.

I texted my brother with a note on what was up. The balance remaining now is $250. Let him know that as soon as Zelle let’s me, I’ll send the rest of the money. He was fine with that.

And that is the long story about why it took an extra week to pay off my 2nd personal loan.

But now…no more personal loans. (Not counting my dad, but I know that is a personal loan too just never called it that.)

And now we are 100% focused on getting rid of ALL Credit Card debt! Let’s go!