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10 years and now I’m free


The twins started learning to drive right at 10 years ago this fall. And since that date, I have been sharing my car with one or two or even three children at a time. I’ve taught them all to drive, given them access to the car once they are licensed, had them chauffer me because they want to drive, chauffeured them to work and school when I needed the car, and so on and so forth.

10 years of being constrained by sharing my car. (To be clear, this is not a complaint, it’s just what we do as parents.)

The last couple of years has been Beauty…her to work, her to school, or her using the car for fun and errands.

I’ve had to make sure she was able to get to work by 9:30am and picked up at 6pm-ish. And you don’t really notice the limitations that puts on you until it’s gone.

Beauty Bought a Car

Last week, Beauty bought herself a car. She’d been saving since February. And was ready.

And that released me from my final child sharing car responsibility after 10 years!

Freedom to Go

She had until the next day to get her insurance settled. Once she confirmed that was done, I started untangling myself…

No More Extra Driver

I called our auto policy and removed her as a driver on my car/my policy. It only saves about $89 but I’ll take it. We all know this is the biggest bill I have so $89 helps.

No More 9:20am Alarm

I’ve had an alarm set on my phone for 9:20am for the last year. Wherever I was, whatever I was doing, I need to either get home or prepare to take Beauty to work. This mostly came into affect when I work mornings my part time job in catering (2-3 days a week.) I would need to stop what I was doing, let the team know, clock out, run home, drive her to work, and then return to my job. It was never an issue or a burden. It’s just what had to be done.

Dinner Anyone

And now, I can go to dinner 🙂 No, but really, needing to be in town to pick her up from work around 6pm meant no dinners with friends in Atlanta, etc. Or very rarely. I always had to think it through…could she get home okay, was it going to be too cold, too hot, raining? But now, I’m free. I can go, see, do as I want too. So dinner anyone?

Another Transition

Saturday, I just left…I went to a macrame 101 class in a neighboring town, I went to the mall and walked around (no I didn’t spend a time, just walked), I just went…and it was so weird to not have to worry about anyone other than myself. It was also a little sad. I’m sure the web world will take this as a complaining post, but in reality, it’s just another transition I am adjusting to. You just don’t think about these things as a mom until they happen. And suddenly you have all this time, all this freedom. And absolutely no idea what to do with it.



Lawnmower history…and now


This popped up on my Facebook memories a few days ago and I thought it was worth the share. Me hating the heat is not new. Me struggling with my lawnmowers is not new. Me hating to cut grass in the heat with lawnmowers that are so hard to start and maintain is not new.

old lawnmowers

Of course, the Hope powered lawnmower while great in theory, did not last long either. Well, mechanically it did, but ugh, it was so hard to cut with it.

I am loving the new electric lawnmower. One charge cuts the entire yard. It is self-propelled so easier to push. And starts with a button push versus me wrestling with and ultimately breaking the pull strings on my old gas mowers.

Don’t get me wrong, I still despise cutting the grass especially with how hot it’s been. But I love a fresh cut yard. Makes me so proud.

But I am definitely ready for the weather to cool off. And then for the grass to stop growing for the season…just a few more months.

Thankfully my new lawnmower is really, really quiet. So mowing in the wee hours of the morning before the crazy hit ticks up has been possible without disturbing my neighbors.

I am so glad I bit the bullet and purchase an electric, self-propelled lawn mower. If you have to do something you don’t really want to do, buying the right and best tools for it makes a huge difference.

And when grass cutting season is over, it will hang neatly, out of the way in my utility closet.

Just thought I’d give you an update on that money spend from a couple of months ago.