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Browsing posts in: Food

Family Size – Really?


For the last 5-6 months, I have really been limited in what I ate. What I purchased. I’ve lived on sandwiches, eggs, bacon, and some fruit and veggies. This is not a complaint at all. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my food. Chosen it as my staples of choice. I didn’t feel denied. And it’s really helped me keep my food spending under control.

But the last couple of weeks, I was craving cereal. (Yes, I know, not a healthy choice at all.) But just sometimes…well, I had my grocery budget for the month and with this week in Texas (where I am now,) I had a little room to splurge.

Another aspect of this is that I rarely go grocery shopping. I rarely go into stores anymore. I order my food for pick up for the most part. (No charge for pick up.) This means I’ve not had much exposure to how things had changed in the last couple of years.

cereal boxes

After I picked up Beauty from work one evening, we ran to Walmart to pick up some groceries. And wow, it’s the cereal aisle that opened my eyes to how things have changed. With five kids, we always bought family size everything. It just made sense pricewise and quantity wise.

So when I went to pick up my treasured cereal, I was shocked to find that “Family Size” is now what regular size used to be, i.e. much, much smaller. And the price…still higher. That’s so crazy.

I’ve not been immune to the cost of food rising discussions, but since I went from buying for a family of 6 to 3 and now to 1 so rapidly, my food budget has gone down rapidly. I didn’t really notice the individual prices going up.

The visit to the cereal aisle was eye-opening in many ways.

These boxes of cereal will last me months. And I will thoroughly enjoy them. And I’m very grateful to have been able to “splurge” this month. But, I’m even more grateful that I am not a mom struggling to feed her 5 kids at this time.

Garage Sale Wins


I am not a garage sale girl. But after my neighbor across the street died, his grand-daughter has been trying to slowly clean out the house. So I ambled over to chat one afternoon.

I had been in his house plenty of times as we were helping care for help the last several months of his life. They were prepping for a estate sale. And I got some great buys! Things that I will use for sure but wouldn’t have purchased otherwise because of the cost.

I’ve got to say my set of 7 clamps (not sure of the technical name for them) was my prize find. I make all sorts of word projects and up-cycle lots of furniture. There have been many an occasion when I longed for these types of clamps, but just couldn’t justify the cost. In fact, I think I did purchase one or two a couple years ago when I was building my barn doors. (I have 5 barn doors in my house.) But I returned them because I couldn’t spend that kind of money.

But I got all 7 of his for $5. Score!

This (items pictured) is all I purchased, I didn’t go crazy. But man, I am so thrilled with these finds.

I still don’t think garage sale shopping as a habitual pass time is for me. But this certainly goes to show that you can find some treasures. Beauty works at our local thrift store and she’s always bringing home “treasures”. I still prescribe to a more minimalist lifestyle and cringe these days at the thought of “stuff” around my house.

Are you a garage sale junkie? Or thrift store regular?