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How I Started Investing


Some of you will remember last fall when I was trying out different sites to earn cash. Doing surveys and various other online tasks to see which legitimately paid. In most all cases, I determined that they are not worth my time. However, one of my finds did stick during that journey.

Stash <-not an affiliate link touts itself as an Investing App for Beginners. So you know that is perfect for me. I signed up last fall and began invest $5 a week. It truly was a decision driven by the opportunity to earn $75 for trying it out. (And yes, I did get paid that amount after my first 30 days.)

As of today, here is my balances:

Stash Dashboard

It has been so easy and so mindless as far as deciding what to invest in. Now I’m up to investing $35 per week to the two different portfolios. I’ve got all my settings set to re-invest. And my plan is to just let it ride.

If you would like to try it out…and help a girl out, this is an AFFILIATE LINK that bonuses me $20 in stock when you sign up.

My hope is that I can increase my investments significantly by the end of the year or early next year as I begin to reach some big paying off debt goals. But I haven’t sat down and really thought that thru yet.

I appreciate how communicative Stash is about my investments. How easy it is to see where my money is going? And how easy it is to change my risk level and re-balance my portfolios.

While I admit, I truly do not know what I am talking about when it comes to investments. This has made me feel like I’m going in the right direction. And it’s been a consistent “savings” platform for me. (I know it’s not a savings account, I recognize the risk.)

BAD Community, what do you think of this tool for beginning investors? I’d love to hear your more experienced feedback?

New Clothes Needed


“Elevated” business casual is the description my boss gave me this week when he spoke to me about my clothes since the weather has turned warmer. (Via a text message.)

And I had to agree that my “summer” wardrobe for work is lacking. The colder months were fine as I have a good 4-5 sweaters that I just rotate through. And I have 4 pairs of the same pair of slacks that I rotate through. But shirts…well, I’ve lived in tank tops the last several years. And tank tops are not acceptable, which I concur, in a fast food restaurant.

I’ve been on the hunt for a short sleeve shawl of some sort so that I can elevate, ie cover my tank tops, and make them acceptable. But all I’m finding are bathing suit cover ups which are not right.

So this past week, as we had to make a mid-week run to Walmart, I found a solution for $11!

Walmart dress for $11

This image is linked to a similar dress, but I don’t think it’s the same one as mine has pockets. But it’s pretty close.

While I’d prefer not to wear a dress to work, this will tide me over for a little while and give me time to find a “shawl” that is acceptable. (I’m only there a 2-4 hours, 3-4 days a week. I don’t mind wearing the thing multiple days in a row.)

And the best part is that after work on Friday, I changed shoes, added some jewelry and was ready for a night out. (Pictured.)

I avoid clothes shopping unless absolutely necessary. I am perfectly content with the wardrobe I own. It’s been kept quite minimalist since we moved from our house to the 900 square foot apartment, then to the camper some years back. And, of course, I am the queen of purging!