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The House as of Today


I realize the many posts on the house and the delay in things happening and posts going live has caused a bit of confusion. This is a synopsis post of what has happened to date and where things stand as of today.

Late January/Early February

I requested referrals for real estate agents on Facebook. I interviewed 5 by phone and had 2 of those 5 come to the house. Both of them showed up with printed comps based on our phone conversation. I was very transparent about my plan to list FSBO, but then pass off to an agent when I left town.

February 10th

House went on the market FSBO. I listed it on Facebook Marketplace and Zillow. (No cost for either.) And everyone (local to me) I knew was gracious enough to repost it on their Facebook pages. It was listed for $210,000. (The housing market where I live is pretty hot especially for homes that could be rentals. Investors are buying them up quickly.)

February 12-18

Local buyer who moved here last April from Turkey viewed the house and gave me a verbal offer (no agent) for $205,000. He had a pre-approval and planned to put $70,000 down. He backed out on 2/17 or 2/18 via a text message because his son wanted to live “close to markets.” (I found that funny seeing as this is a tiny town, there is definitely nothing I would consider a market.)

February 20-March 3

  • Had an agent showing on 2/20 evening. They came again on 2/23 and sent a written offer that evening. There were required to provide proof of preapproval for this offer as well.
  • On 2/24, I countered and they accepted.  Written contract with buyer agent. Closing date was to be 3/24.
  • On 2/28, I left town with house under contract. I had not signed with an agent.
  • On 3/3, inspection happened and buyer pulled out. No reason given.

March 4-6

First thing I did was update my Zillow listing with some of the new images. And change the listing price to $207,000.

I contacted a different agent on March 4. Before you jump down my throat, the agent I had originally selected gave me an attitude when the house went under contract. (I was very open about my plan.) And it really took me back, some of things she said. Not only that, during this “rant” via phone, some of the things she stated had me second guessing using her. She’s a nice person, but I don’t believe I would get the best offer I can get using her.

So different agent. He went and looked at the property on Thursday (3/6) after I laid all the cards on the table about the challenges and what i was looking to get. He highlighted some red flags. But didn’t immediately dismiss my “bottom line” as unattainable.

I’m waiting for him to get back to me.

On March 5, two other agents reached out to me about showing the house on Saturday. I called them on March 6th, and we set it up after I gave her all the details…culvert and water issue, etc. Their buyers are pre-approved, getting a FHA loans, and will need help with closing costs. They both shared the challenges with the house with their buyers and they still wants to see it.

March 8

Today, Beauty will go and open up the house for the showing this afternoon. We shall see.

Sidenote: My entire property is covered by security cameras that notify me of movement and record 20-30 of movement with each notification. On March 7, two women showed up and walked the property. I am assuming it’s one of the potential buyer’s as they were pretty bold in looking in windows and never knocked on the door. 


That is a synopsis of the house selling situation to date. I am still planning to stay in Texas for this next week and then return home and figure out next steps. It may be a short stay. But I will be in Georgia for at least a couple of weeks. I have doctors appointments, vet appointment, and Beauty’s wedding dress shopping scheduled for the end of the month.

These were all scheduled with the the March 24 closing date in mind. But now I will have some flexibility on whether I stay or go in April. Just learning to relax and trust the process.

The house isn’t sold until it’s sold. And it may not sale. And I will cross that bridge when I come to it.


House Under Contract


On the evening of Monday, February 24, the house went under contract. Anticipated closing is the end of March. I’m not going to share more until we get through appraisal and inspection.

house under contract

This has altered my plans again.

  1. There is a buyer’s agent involved, but no seller’s agent. Because this all happened prior to March 1 when I was going to pass the house off to an agent, it is going through as FSBO. The lawyer who has always handled my family’s affairs here is handling the sale. (And yes, I do have to pay him.) I am also paying the buyer’s agent 3% which I advertised when I created the listing on both Facebook and Zillow.
  2. Instead of spending a month in Texas, I will be staying two weeks, then returning to Georgia pending the closing date.

Post House Sale Plans

If all goes well and as planned, the house will close by the end of March. That leaves me at loose ends the month of April. The family is all planning to be in Georgia for the first week of May for Princess’ college graduation, a family weekend, Princess’ 21st birthday, and Mother’s Day. And by family I mean all 5 of my kids plus some of my immediate family from Texas.


I won’t make any firm decisions or plans until I know the house will close as scheduled. But I am reviewing options so I am ready.

  1. Beauty and her fiancé have a home with a guest room that they have invited me to stay for a while.
  2. Princess has an apartment (couch) where I could stay for a few days, probably week max. I will most likely stay here the week directly after closing since we have appointments together that week.
  3. Return to Texas for the month.
  4. Roadtrip!

Exciting things ahead!


Buyer pulled out March 4th via email from their real estate agent. The due diligence period was through March 7th. No reason was given. (I believe it had to do with their financing as they were getting a 100% finance loan.)

It definitely through me for a loop mentally. After giving myself a couple of days to process. I’ve decided to return to GA at the end of this two week period, and decide what to do then. I need a break from thinking about the house.  So it will sent empty. And I will focus on work and finding more work. And spending some quality time with my family.