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Want to make money taking surveys?


You know I’m always on the lookout for a side hustle that actually pays money. I learned about User Interviews a few months ago from a social media couple I follow: thegoldenroad <-This is a link to their Instagram account if you want to check them out and this is their website. (Not an affiliate link.)

I signed up using their affiliate link and have since made several hundred dollars participating in random interviews, game playing, and other random activities, etc. So now that I know that it’s the real deal, I thought I would share.

This is my affiliate link. If you sign up and participate in at least one paid study, we both get $10!

If you have any real world experience with side hustles that pay actual money, please share them in the comments below. I don’t expect to make full time income from these types of activities, but I enjoy the variety and it gives my brain a rest from the other work I do on a regular basis.

I continue to wish I could make money making dog food. But there’s just no cottage license for dog food prep. And yes, I did research it again lately.

I hear a statistic the other day along the lines of the richest of people have at least 8 streams of income. Or something to that affect. That’s definitely a goal to work toward.

Obviously, primary job is one. Interest from a high yield savings account is two. Dividends from investments is three. Do activities like User Interviews could be four. What else?

How many streams of income do you have? Do you have any resources you would share with someone looking to add variety to their income generating activities?


Relaunch of EPOH


I spent the end of last month knowing I had no steady income coming into 2025. And I wasn’t freaked out. What a refreshing change from years past when any blip in my work threw me into a full panic. Just thinking back brings the pit back to my stomach.

To be honest, I can’t recall the last update I wrote about what was supposed to be my full time income. From early November until the week of Dec. 16th, my client changed his mind in how he wanted to use me and how much he wanted to use me almost every other day. It was terrible.

So I finally gave him a thanks, but no thanks, and December 20th was my last day.

Relaunch of EPOH

With that being said, I have spent lots of time the last few weeks preparing for a relaunch of my consulting firm. A new brand. New service offerings. And a new website.

epoh = every person's office help

I have multiple proposals out to new and past clients and I anticipate closing enough deals to cover monthly base costs by the end of the month. I was able to close two new website deals the last week of 2024.

Still Applying

Don’t worry, I also redid my resume. And have applied to at least a dozen corporate jobs…all in the Austin, TX area. That will probably tell you which way I’m leaning about the house as well.

There are just no viable options for work where I live. So if work comes through in Texas, that will seal the deal on the decision with the house. Yes, it is still up in the air, but I am preparing it should the time come when I make the decision to sale and/or need to move quickly for a new job.