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Health + Dental Insurance Starts Tomorrow


Happy New Years Eve, BAD Community!

Going into 2025 with a lot of insecurity as far as work goes. On December 19th, my full time client once again changed his mind as far as the full time role goes. And frankly, the roller coaster of his commitment and backing off has worn me out. He’s offered me some part time work for January. But I’m just not sure I trust him to pay me at this point.

However, I did secure health and dental insurance for myself and my younger two children – Beauty Princess and Gymnast. Woot, woot! I appreciate everyone’s input, specifically the link to the Georgia Access site.

Monthly cost: $84 for now with my variable income being cut so drastically.

Coverage starts tomorrow. And I will be working on finding providers and setting up preventative care appointments.

medical care stock image

I wrote last summer about habit stacking. With some down time going into the new year, I am planning to pick back up my self work – a new counselor, a new calendar to keep me on track, and the open-ness to accept whatever comes for me in the new year.

It’s taken me a long time to realize that I cannot plan for “work” – it comes and goes, both as a contractor and employee, but I can plan for the in-between, the improvement of myself, and how I handle the challenges.

My self worth should not, cannot, and will not be tied to my work. My identity can no longer be wrapped up in being a mom now that my kids are grown and on their own.

2025 is going to be the year of reinvention for me. Time to shed the old and embrace the new…whatever that might be.

Hope’s Kids: Year End Update


For those that have been following all these years, I thought it would be fun to share a brief update on how all the kiddos are doing. It was so good to be together for Thanksgiving.

Hope's family at Thanksgiving outside her parent's house

Sea Cadet

Sea Cadet continues to work in the medical field and is actually returning to college this spring to study respiratory therapy. His end goal is still to become a PA, but he knows it’s a long road. Between grant money from his time in Americorp and monies from the hospital he works at, we believe he will get through this Bachelors/possible masters program with no debt. Goals!

History Buff

History Buff is still working at the first job he got when he moved to Vegas. He is in his sweet spot, sales and interacting with people. Right now, he’s settled and enjoying life. But does know that Vegas isn’t his forever…time will tell. He is considering buying a newer car soon. Up until now, he’s only had cash cars. He’s taking it slow and doing his best to make wise financial decisions. He and his roommate, ie best friend that he moved out there with just moved to a new apartment that is within walking distance of work.


Beauty no longer dreams of cosmetology and prefers not to braid hair anymore. She just started a new job working at with a cabinet maker (larger company) and while it’s significant learning curve, it’s decent money and steady hours. This is important to her as she’s just gotten engaged and they moved into their first rental house this past weekend. She and her fiancé plan to travel over New Years for him to meet her biological mom.


Princess is entering her final semester of her Bachelor’s degree. She is working part time in events at a large chain Italian restaurant, has just been selected to be COO of the university investment fund, and of course, full time school. She is hyper busy and super stressed. But she knows she’s on the final leg of this chapter. And she’s so excited!


Gymnast continues to work as a waiter at the first job he got when he moved to Texas just about a year and a half ago. He will pay off his car this month!! (Update: He actually paid it off on 12/17. My sister filmed him making the final payment and the whole family celebrated his huge accomplishment via family text). While I was in Texas this time, he signed a leased on an apartment. He will move in January. Up until now, he’s been living with my sister and paying her a nominal rent. We are so grateful for her. But it is time for his next chapter…

Proud Mom

I couldn’t be more incredibly proud of each of my kids. They are all choosing their own paths suited to their dreams and desires. And continue to show maturity and wisdom far beyond their years with their decisions. I have done something right.