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Relaunch of EPOH


I spent the end of last month knowing I had no steady income coming into 2025. And I wasn’t freaked out. What a refreshing change from years past when any blip in my work threw me into a full panic. Just thinking back brings the pit back to my stomach.

To be honest, I can’t recall the last update I wrote about what was supposed to be my full time income. From early November until the week of Dec. 16th, my client changed his mind in how he wanted to use me and how much he wanted to use me almost every other day. It was terrible.

So I finally gave him a thanks, but no thanks, and December 20th was my last day.

Relaunch of EPOH

With that being said, I have spent lots of time the last few weeks preparing for a relaunch of my consulting firm. A new brand. New service offerings. And a new website.

epoh = every person's office help

I have multiple proposals out to new and past clients and I anticipate closing enough deals to cover monthly base costs by the end of the month. I was able to close two new website deals the last week of 2024.

Still Applying

Don’t worry, I also redid my resume. And have applied to at least a dozen corporate jobs…all in the Austin, TX area. That will probably tell you which way I’m leaning about the house as well.

There are just no viable options for work where I live. So if work comes through in Texas, that will seal the deal on the decision with the house. Yes, it is still up in the air, but I am preparing it should the time come when I make the decision to sale and/or need to move quickly for a new job.


DIY Home Improvements & Repairs


The home improvements continue. I have so much time on my hands. And do want to be ready should I ever truly decide if I’m staying or going.

I’ve gone room to room and made a list of the little and the big things that I should do to be ready to sale the house. And then I’ve broken those lists down by do it myself, get some help and do it myself, and then things I will need to hire an expert or require more than I think I’m up to.

One of the most urgent tasks was repair or rather replacing my doggie door. Not sure how it happened but the lower third of the flap came off entirely. Or rather it was hanging by a piece of plastic and the dogs refused to use it that way.

After evaluating if I could just duct tape it back together or replace that part…well, I couldn’t. So new doggie door acquired and installed by ME!

doggie door

(Yes, I’ve seen the Reddit comments on my pictures and the “mess”. This is my real life. I’m not prettying it up or staging it for anyone. I have that rug there to capture the dirt and leaves the dogs bring in. It’s washable and washed at least once per week. It’s great if there is never a mess in your house. But this is my reality. We have lots of trees and Georgia clay mud.)

Thank goodness, Home Depot carries the exact one we installed when we had the back wall cut out and the deck and French doors installed. I unscrewed the old one and then replace with a new one. Voila! And the dogs are back to taking themselves in and out.

Total cost $92 plus some frustrating cries with trying to get the screws to line up.

Kitchen Updates in Progress

As I write this, we’ve cleaned off my kitchen shelves (lower shelves), washed them down, and are doing some repairs and patching as we prepare to apply a fresh coat of white paint. I’m also purging items at the same time with things I don’t need and items that the girls want (and I don’t really need.)

When/if it’s time to sell, I will replace my yellow storage baskets with real baskets. (This was realtor suggestion that I actually hadn’t thought of, but I’m excited to see that look.) In the meantime, I will enjoy the clean white shelves.

Outside of purchasing the new doggie door, I’ve got all the supplies for these improvements. So it’s really just costing me time. And that I have plenty of!

Did you tackle any home improvements or changes during your holiday break?