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Staying Still Amidst Change


I’ve been following Hope’s posts about her potential move and the significant transitions she’s been navigating in recent years—changes that have affected nearly every part of her life, from her job to her personal relationships. 

While my own life hasn’t undergone quite as many seismic shifts, I’ve definitely been dealing with some disruptions, particularly in my work life.

Navigating Uncertainty at Work

I’ve touched on a few of these changes in previous posts. Without delving into too many details, my work environment has become a bit of a whirlwind. I’ve experienced an unexpected change in leadership, with my current leader serving in an interim role and no clear direction on who will lead us next. On top of that, my university is in a period of considerable instability, with leadership changes at nearly every level, shifts in funding structures, a hiring freeze, and a pause on raises, among other things.

As someone who thrives on stability and predictability, I’ve found this environment particularly challenging. There’s so much uncertainty. For example, we don’t know what the new funding model will look like, who my next boss will be, or how these changes will affect my role within the department.

Grasping at Control

In response, I’ve noticed myself trying to exert control over whatever I can. It’s almost as if I’ve been trying to force stability in my own little corner of the workplace. I’ve been pushing for small changes within my department, almost as if making those changes will help me feel more grounded, like my work is still valued despite everything else being up in the air.

It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster. One day, I’m excited about stepping into a larger leadership role, eager to take on more responsibility. The next, I start questioning whether I really want to add more to my plate and wonder if I’d be happier focusing on my current work without the stress of additional administrative duties. I go back and forth between wanting to climb the ladder and wanting to scale back, feeling pulled in different directions depending on the day.

It’s exhausting, and I can’t help but wonder if, in my efforts to manage the uncertainty, I’ve been grasping at straws.

Embracing Stillness in Times of Change

Reading through comments on Hope’s journey, I’ve noticed that many people have suggested she take a step back and resist making big decisions for now, encouraging a period of stillness rather than immediate action. While I’m not suggesting this is necessarily the right path for Hope—I believe that’s for her to decide—I can’t help but think that this might be good advice for me in my own situation. I’ve been so focused on trying to control the changes at work, but perhaps I need to pause, take a breath, and give myself some time to reflect.

Within the next year, my work environment will likely look completely different. We’ll have new leadership at the top, a new department head, and hopefully a more stable and defined business model.

As a long-term strategist, I’m used to thinking several steps ahead. I create and rely on strategic planning to guide my decision-making. But right now, it might be time to accept that not everything needs to be planned or controlled. Perhaps it’s okay to just wait and see. Peace, for now, might mean embracing stillness and not making any big changes at work for the time being. There will be plenty of time for change in the future.


Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt overwhelmed by uncertainty? How did you cope with the need for change without making rash decisions? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

A New Ceiling


The final cost…$1,000 for a new kitchen ceiling. So worth it! Why didn’t I do this sooner?

kitchen ceiling before remodel in Dec 2024

You can see the patches and outline of the old kitchen on the ceiling

It took a few short hours for the contractor to cover it. There was no “damage”, it was truly a cosmetic fix only. The patches in the ceiling are where the electric ran through previously to the stove that was in the middle of the floor.

Falling in Love All Over Again

My open concept kitchen with plenty of room for several cooks and multiple work stations brings joy every time I work in it. I feel truly blessed to have gotten to create a space and a home that is truly built for for what I hold dear. I do agree with commentors that the yellow is a bit much. But I dreamt of a yellow kitchen for years.

And now it has a beautiful, “farm house” style ceiling to match.

new ceiling installed Dec, 2024

My new farmhouse style kitchen ceiling (and there is a new light over the dining space as well)

While the main motivation for getting to work on some lingering house projects is the real possibility of my decision to sell the house sometime in 2025. And the priorities come from the realtor’s observations and suggestions. I cannot say that I am not falling in love all over again with my home.

I always thought what a shame it was that my parents spent all the time and money to improve their home before they moved from Virginia and never enjoyed it. While I certainly lean toward selling most days, that decision is certainly not firmed up yet. And I will most definitely enjoy the improvements for as long as I am here.

Next up…refinishing my small stick original pine floors. I cannot wait to see the finish project.