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Christmas Crafting & Blind Dates


My visit to Texas was so busy. Between working my full time job, helping with mom’s care a bit, working through stacks and stacks of paperwork, purging and cleaning the kitchen, getting Christmas done for my dad and myself, and family get togethers a couple times a week, I am ready for the quiet of home. For a little while at least.

Christmas crafting

I mentioned in a recent post my plan for crafting Christmas gifts. Working hard to stay in my $5 savings budget. And I’m so thrilled with what I created over the last 3 weeks. (See teaser image above).

A quick trip to Hobby Lobby right after Thanksgiving when everything was on sale provided all I needed to create some budget friendly, very personal gifts for my Texas family. And it was such a nice “break” from all that was going on.

I thoroughly enjoyed the moments that I could put on my headphones and tune out everything else for a little while and just paint and create. It’s so easy to lose sight of these small pleasures with the crazy of the holiday season.

While I am no expert at art, and I’m not a perfectionist, I am really proud of the variety of items I created. And they are all wrapped and under the tree.

Total spent…$60! Not to shabby for 7 presents. Woot, woot. And I think they will really like them.

I also helped my dad with his presents, getting them wrapped, ordered, and thought through.

Continued growth

I continue to see an evolution of my perspective with regard to money. And that is certainly not more evident than at this time of year. Making Christmas special has always been so important to me. And for most of my life, that’s been $$$$ on gifts.

Don’t get me wrong, I am still driven to make Christmas special. But I am recognizing that it doesn’t have to equal the dollars spent on gifts. But maybe the effort and heart put into the gift.

Blind date with a book

My favorite find for this Christmas…the local library had a $7 per bag of books sales while I was in Texas. Guess who’s getting books for Christmas? Yes, everyone. And they are so personalized. Have you ever heard of blind date with a book?

Etsy inspiration image of blind date with a book

Etsy Inspiration of how to wrap a blind date with a book – not my image

Seeing images like this one above inspired me. I grabbed my bag of books, old newspaper out of my dad’s garage, twine my sister had laying around, and a variety of cards, paper clips, stickers, snacks, etc. and wrapped up my own “blind date with a book” gifts for everyone.

It was so fun, and the only cost $7 for a bag of books from the local library. 

I pray this season you can find ways to make it feel special without breaking the bank. This is such a new feeling for me. And I am so grateful for the many blessings that I have so often taken for granted.



And we are back…


In my last post, I wrote about losing my full time job, then getting it back part time. And now…I’m back to full time. (And we wonder why I have a money scarcity, roller coast ride of a life.) Even my family, who has been present for this whole debacle has been up in arms about how it all went down. (I take my calls on speaker because of my hearing so they have had a front row seat to it all. It’s truly not just me.)

Well, last week, on one of our regularly scheduled check in calls, he apologized again for how he handled the situation. And asked if I would consider staying on full time. We left the call with him saying he was reviewing the budget and he really did want me to remain because up until the “perfect” storm of business challenges, it was the happiest he had ever been.

And just this morning…I received a firm offer to return full time, effectively immediately. He will pay the difference for this month in two separate payments. And we will continue on into the new year with just some basic modifications on pay schedule and methodology. A story for another time.

But phew, a weight off! Going into 2025 with full time income. I am so grateful!

Back to Georgia

Today, I hit the road back to Georgia. Just in time to really enjoy the Christmas holiday.

santa clause

Thankful for the gift of a full time contract going into 2025!

It’s been a very productive visit home. Helped my dad get caught up on his finances and paperwork. Spent some time with each of my siblings. Had a great Thanksgiving with my entire family including all five of my kids. Now I head home to once again ponder…what is next for me!?!