by Tricia
I was hoping to have August’s income and expense reports ready by today – but I apologize. It’s just not going to happen for I can’t concentrate on it.
I have spent most of the weekend cleaning and organizing. To those who know me well, when I get deep into a project like that, it means that something is on my mind.
Tomorrow is my son’s first day of kindergarten and I am nervous beyond belief. He has went to preschool for the last two years, but the “big school” is a different story. At the preschool, there were two teachers and one assistant (plus any parent volunteers) per class of around 15 children. In kindergarten, there will be one teacher for even more children.
I’ve been busy trying to make sure my son knows what bus he rides to school and what bus he rides home. I’m also still working with him on his teacher’s name (unfortunately, it’s difficult to pronounce). He knows his phone number, which is great. But his address is still a little tough for him.
One reason I am really nervous is because my son is behind in his speech. My husband and I can make out most of what he says, but others have difficulty understanding him. I worry that if he gets lost in the school he may have a hard time getting back where he needs to go. He’s also very shy (inherited from his mother) and is very quiet.
Another reason is that my son told me today that he was scared. I can’t blame the little guy. He was scared his first day of preschool too, but mom rode the bus with him and within a few minutes of arriving at the school he wanted me to leave. I have decided that mom will get on her bike (for the first time in about two years – yikes!) and ride to the school to be there when he gets off the bus.
I can’t stay the whole day, but I’m sure my son is just looking for a little reassurance and once he gets in his classroom he will tell me to go home (he’s never had a problem with separation anxiety). Maybe I am being overly worried and I should just stick him on the bus and let him do everything on his own. But I just can’t.
I think I need reassurance too that they will take good care of him.
I’m sure my son and I will make it through tomorrow. I just have those butterflies in my stomach just like when it was my first days of school. I am wondering now if I will be able to sleep tonight LOL.