by Tricia
It was so tempting. Nice and cold Mountain Dews were sitting in the fridge and they stared at me every time I opened the door. Even though my head was hurting and I knew a drink would help ease the pain…I reached for the water every time.
It’s been a tough week, but I made it!! I gave up the caffeine 🙂
The headaches are gone and I am almost on a normal schedule. It’s funny, because at first I had no energy at all but slowly it’s coming back and I would almost say I feel more energetic. It’s weird.
Cigarettes are next on the list of things to quit, but I’m going to give myself at least a month to “normalize” and to map out my game plan. Am I going to use nicotine gum? Am I going to go cold turkey? Am I going to methodically cut down till I’m at zero cigarettes a day?
I still have more thinking to do on that one, and it probably is best to quit when winter is here. It is not fun going outside in a blizzard when it’s below zero out (I do not smoke in my house). I natually smoke a little less in the winter because of the inconvenience of getting all bundled up so it would be an ideal time to quit.
Still pumping myself up for quitting the cigarettes…